Chapter 17

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Frostpaw hopped in circles around Dapplepelt. After a long quarter-moon, they were going to a Gathering, Frostpaws first Gathering.
I'm going to see Briarpaw!
Frostpaw nearly yowled in joy as they got closer to the island. They began to pad down the sandy shore when Blackshade held up his tail to stop. Everyone halted.
"OutClan is already here" the black warrior mewed. He glanced left and right and then held his tail over his back in signal to follow. Everyone regained there pace as Frostpaw nearly jumped out of her paws to run ahead just to get closer to Briarpaw. Then they stood behind the log-bridge. Frostpaw looked nervously at Dapplepelt. She dipped her head to Frostpaw and leaped onto the fallen log.
She looked back at Frostpaw. "C'mon, you can do it" she mewed then padded farther. Frostpaw gulped and looked at Wolfpaw. She smiled then nudged Frostpaw forward. Frostpaw turned back then leaped onto the slippery wood. She looked ahead and saw that Dapplepelt was waiting for her on the other side on solid ground. Frostpaw looked down at the unfrozen, sloshing water babbling beneath her. Then her thoughts immediately raced back to when she fell through the ice. The horrible sensation of losing consciousness and passing out under the ice. No oxygen. No clear sky. Nothing but black. But then there was Wolfpaw. Strong, loving, Wolfpaw. She had risked her life to save Frostpaws and nearly died in the process as well as Frostpaw.
I wonder who saved us-
"Frostpaw! Frostpaw!" someone was yowling her name. She opened her eye to see Dapplepelt back on the log staring at her. "C'mon, your holding every cat behind" she mewed then padded back to shore and sat down. Frostpaw swallowed and unsheathed her claws. She took little steps, ignoring the swirling water below. Then she finally made it to shore. She leaped off the log in relief and bounded into Dapplepelts soft chest fur. She licked her head comfortingly. Frostpaw looked back to see Wolfpaw padding across the log calmly, her claws sheathed. Frostpaw stared at her. How could she be so calm when one slip could send her into cold oblivion? How would she-
Frostpaw gasped as Wolfpaw took a wrong step with her forepaw and slipped off the side. She tumbled down into the black water with a splash. Frostpaw gasped again.
"Wolfpaw!" she screeched. Everyone looked down to see if Wolfpaw could get back to the surface. Wolfpaw was nowhere to be seen. Heartbeats passed and Frostpaw was losing hope. Then a black head emerged from the water. Wolfpaw was okay! She began to swim to the other side, her paws churning through the water confidently. She never submerged again. Then she was on shore shaking out her thick fur as if nothing happened then padded on. Questioning whispers erupted from within LightClan, directed at Wolfpaw. Frostpaw looked through the crowd as warriors had quiet conversations to themselves. Frostpaw looked up to see Wolfpaws reaction but she was nowhere to be seen. Had she seen what cats were saying and walked away?
Frostpaw walked through the bushes and looked for her. She was talking with some OutClan apprentices. Frostpaw growled to herself when she spotted Jumppaw among them with two other apprentices she did not recognize. She strained to listen.
"-Jumppaw, tell them about the time you caught the LightClan cats on a border patrol" a small grey tom asked her.
Are you kidding me?
"Excuse me?" Brownpaw spoke up at the question.
"Just listen" Jumppaw mewed harshly, her long legs folded over one another casually. Wolfpaw raised her wet chin proudly.
Does she know?
"Alright, listen up. This story is probably going to be told for generations. On one specific sunup, my patrol ran into some LightClan cats while we were marking, and do you know what we saw?" Jumppaw asked around, staring everyone in the eyes in turn. "A cat that looked like just a new born kit" she remarked. Frostpaw flattened her ears to her head. Wolfpaw stiffened. Brownpaw looked at her questioningly, then looked back at Jumppaw.
"I humiliated that rat so hard that one of the LightClan warriors had to stop her from crying. Dung was all over her face" Jumppaw laughed. "And guess what?"
Frostpaw was breathing very hard now. She stood up and stormed over to the circle of cats stealthily.
"I smashed her face in that dung so hard she must have ate it. Oh what a treat!" Jumppaw cackled. Frostpaw slithered behind Brownpaw and Wolfpaw, not making a sound as she went. She stopped when she was in shadow.
"Oh she was probably begging StarClan for mercy to be forgiven" Jumppaw went on.
"For what?" Wolfpaw asked coldly.
"For-" Jumppaw began to smirk.
"For what I'm about to do to your throat so you can't mew another tantalizing word." Frostpaw snarled, coming out of hiding. Jumppaw gaped as Frostpaw padded closer to her. Both Wolfpaw and Brownpaw looked at Frostpaw as she walked up to Jumppaw and glared at her through squinting eyes.
"Oh look, it's dung-face" Jumppaw mewed, her fear apparently evaporated. Frostpaws fur fluffed up.
"That was you?" Brownpaw asked.
"Do you know of any other kit who was given the privilege to go on patrols before six moons?" Frostpaw growled, not taking her eyes off Jumppaw.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Wolfpaw asked.
"Because like Jumppaw said, I was too humiliated to try" Frostpaw mewed harshly.
"And Dung-face admits it" Jumppaw mewed coolly.
"Call me that one more time" Frostpaw threatened, unsheathing her claws as she crouched down.
"Oh, little kitty wants to fight" Jumppaw growled silkily. "Give me your best shot." When Frostpaw didn't answer Jumppaw went on, "C'mon dung-face, come at me" Jumppaw urged. Frostpaw looked up at her, her black pupils slits, then let out a yowl and leaped at Jumppaw. Jumppaw squawked in alarm as Frostpaw dove into her red and black body, as the two tumbled to the ground, one ball of writhing fur. The commotion grabbed the attention of a few bystanders and they crept closer in interest. Frostpaw had Jumppaw pinned to the ground, despite her size.
"Get off me you mouse-brain!" she looked at the gray tom pleadingly. "Don't just stand there Littlepaw, help me!" But the apprentice had took off into the other direction, leaving Jumppaw underneath Frostpaws grasp.
"Say your sorry or I swear I will make it so you can't!" Frostpaw yowled, fury boiling up inside her. What was she doing? Was this her?
"Never!" Jumppaw spat. Frostpaw pressed a paw to her throat.
"Say your sorry" she whispered maliciously.
Jumppaw looked up at her and croaked, "I'm sorry." Frostpaw jumped off her in satasfaction and turned to her audience. Jumppaw began sucking in breaths and then scurried off. Frostpaw was both horrified and heartbroken. Everyone had shocked faces, even Wolfpaw. Her eyes were sad and confused. Frostpaws heart sank. Then her eyes fell onto Briarpaw. His once warm amber eyes, were now rimmed with white as he stared at her. Frostpaw looked away and continued around the circle. Cats she recognized, looked at her in fear and confusion. Frostpaw suddenly felt extinguished, her fur lying flat again. What was she thinking? Frostpaw looked up to see Thistlestar leaping up onto one of the lowest branches of the Tall Tree. Then he looked down, his eyes resting on Frostpaw. Had he seen what had happened? Frostpaw couldn't take it anymore. She closed her eyes and then bounded away, leaving the crowd. She heard yowls but she didn't stop, she went faster as if the calls were propelling her forward. She stopped at the log-bridge and looked back. She couldn't go without a warrior, at least she thought so. She took a deep breath and nearly leaped up when two yowls erupted from behind her. Frostpaw turned around to see Briarpaw and Wolfpaw running towards her, each matching each others pace.
"Frostpaw!" Briarpaw yowled. Wolfpaw shoved him aside then sped ahead, reaching Frostpaw first. He yowled as he landed awkwardly in the bushes.
"Frostpaw, I. . ." she trailed off, looking at Frostpaw intently. Briarpaw came running back.
"Frostpaw, what happened?" he asked.
"Does it matter? I nearly killed someone. I nearly had a cats blood on my paws. What does that make me? How am I going to be labeled? Cats are going to hate me, not trust me" Frostpaw whined, facing the duo.
"Frostpaw, why is he here?" Wolfpaw asked, shoving a paw in Briarpaws direction, changing the subject. He looked at her jet-black paw as it launched in front of his muzzle, a mouse-length away form his nose. He sniffed.
"Frostpaw," was all he said. His eyes were normal again and he looked into hers deeply. Frostpaw just wanted to collapse into a warm meadow and talk about sweet smelling flowers with Briarpaw but she could not get her wish.
"What?" she asked sharply.
"I. . .I just wanted to. . .a," he trailed off again. Frostpaw looked at Wolfpaw. She was looking at Briarpaw. Her fur was bristling and she was growling fiercely while Briarpaw would hiss at her every so often. Frostpaw looked between the two of them. They were both hostile towards each other. What could've caused this?
"Why do you not like each other?" Frostpaw asked, backing towards the log.
"Cause he's OutClan" Wolfpaw snapped.
"And she is your sister" Briarpaw mewed evenly.
"So?" Frostpaw asked.
"So she will probably stop us from seeing each other." he replied.
"Excuse me? Your an OutClan cat. Frostpaw is a LightClan cat. Do you see why I would stop you?" Wolfpaw asked. He looked away from her then met Frostpaws eyes.
"Frostpaw, please stay," he began. "This is your first Gathering-"
"And it turned out horrible. I'm sorry but I'm leaving." with that Frostpaw turned around and leaped up onto the fallen log and started across. The evening wind had made it more slippery then before when Frostpaw had first crossed but she didn't stop or slow. She wanted to get home and crawl into her bed and fall asleep.
"Frostpaw! No!" Wolfpaw yowled. Frostpaw didn't realize what had made her scream until it was too late. She had placed a hind paw close enough to the edge with out knowing it and in the consequence, she lost her footing. Yowling, she slipped and landed onto her stomach.
"Frostpaw!" Briarpaw yowled. Frostpaw was slipping off the side. She didn't react visibly but inside she was terrified. She was going fall onto the water again, it's choking blackness surrounding her. Frostpaw looked at Wolfpaws shocked eyes as she finally loosened up and toppled over the edge. The last thing Frostpaw saw before she was eaten up by the blue water was Wolfpaw standing up and running up the fallen log then leaping into the water after her.
Frostpaw quickly sucked in a breath as she plunged into the dark abyss of liquid. She closed her eyes as the water soaked into her white fur. She didn't struggle, Wolfpaw would come to save her. But she never came.
Where is she?
Frostpaw opened her eyes and up through the surface she could see Wolfpaw struggling with a dark tom. He was a gray tabby with green eyes. He looked like a beaten up rogue.
Maybe he is?
Frostpaw began to claw at the surface, her flailing paws skimming its edges. Wolfpaw was distracted by the tom. Why was he fighting her? Frostpaw was beginning to panic. She couldn't swim. How did Wolfpaw do it so well? She had never told Frostpaw otherwise.
Maybe it was Sandeye. That's probably why she mentioned him.
Frostpaw looked miserably at Briarpaw. He was staring at Wolfpaw, standing frozen.
Oh Briarpaw. . .

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