Chapter 23

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Frostpaw nuzzled into Briarpaw's warm neck. They were alone, in between each other's territories, sharing stories of kithood on a warm leaf-bare morning.
"And then I had to clean out my and my siblings nests for a moon!" Briarpaw exclaimed, chuckling to himself. Frostpaw laughed along with him. "Alright, I've told all my good stories, now you tell me yours." Briarpaw said.
"I don't have any." Frostpaw lied, hoping Briarpaw wouldn't notice.
"Oh c'mon, everyone has a time in their kithood where they'll get into trouble at least once. Just tell me one." Briarpaw begged.
Frostpaw took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll tell you only one. When I was only five moons old, at one of my Clan's apprentice ceremonies, I got jealous because the two cats that were being apprenticed didn't tell me or Wolfpaw they were leaving the nursery. So I ran away."
"No." Briarpaw gasped.
"Yes, and I actually caught my first mouse!" Frostpaw went on.
"You did?" Briarpaw said, his mouth agape. Frostpaw nodded sheepishly. "Did you get a punishment for running away? If you were found that is."
"I was found alright. But I didn't receive a punishment. Instead of doing work, Ashstar let me go on one hunting and border patrol each day until I was apprenticed." Frostpaw explained.
Briarpaws eyes lit up. "That's why you were on that border patrol the first time I saw you!" Briarpaws gaze darkened. "But that's also when Jumppaw humiliated you in front of your and my Clanmates. I'm really sorry for what she did. She can be quite rude sometimes." Briarpaw apologized.
"It's fine Briarpaw." Frostpaw said cheerily.
Briarpaws smiling face suddenly became solemn and serious. "Speaking of, why did you do that to Jumppaw the night of your first Gathering?"
"What do you mean?" said Frostpaw, though she knew exactly what he meant.
"You . . . attacked her. I saw the anger in your eyes but . . . you nearly-"
Frostpaw shushed him with a paw to his mouth. "Don't say it, please. I know what I did but that doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for it." Frostpaw said, staring into his eyes.
"But, Frostpaw, why did you attack her?" Briarpaw asked, tilting his head to the side.
"You know what she did to me! Weren't you in the circle of apprentices before I attacked Jumppaw?" Frostpaw asked, looking at him. He shook his head. "Well, she was telling the other apprentices about me. And she called me Dung-face."
Briarpaw snickered. "What? What's so funny?" Frostpaw snapped, hurt at his laughter.
"It's just that, that nickname it's even that offensive." Briarpaw smiled his teasing smile. Frostpaw flattened her ears in embarrassment, realizing she had overreacted. "Don't feel upset. Jumppaw just doesn't know what a great cat you are." he meowed and nuzzled into Frostpaw's cheek. She purred. Briarpaw purred along with her. Then they heard sudden paw steps. Briarpaw jumped to his paws and grabbed Frostpaws scruff, pulling her up too. Just as Briarpaw was going to yowl a challenge, Brownpaw came padding through the bushes. He gasped when he realized he wasn't alone. Then his eyes flicked to Frostpaw.
"Frostpaw? Where have you been? And why are you with this OutClan cat?" he snarled, unsheathing his claws. Briarpaw growled as well, preparing for battle, when suddenly another cat joined the group. She had casts on two of her legs. Wolfpaw looked from Brownpaw to Frostpaw and Briarpaw. Brownpaw was crouching, ready to pounce.
"Brownpaw, what are you doing here?" Wolfpaw growled, not making eye contact with the cats behind her. "Interrogating these traitors!" Brownpaw growled. Frostpaw gasped.
"Well, one of these traitors is my sister," Wolfpaw said with surprising calmness. Brownpaw huffed. "I know it's hard to take in but-"
"Wait, You knew? How could you not let the Clan know?" he looked from Frostpaw to Wolfpaw.
"Brownpaw, listen to me, yes they are from different Clans but if that doesn't mean they aren't like us. We have to let them work it out themselves." Her words seemed to get to Brownpaw, and his shoulders slumped.
"Wolfpaw, what are doing here?" Briarpaw asked finally.
"Frostpaw asked me to come."
Briarpaw threw a glare at Frostpaw. "You didn't tell me we were going to have visitors." he whispered through clenched teeth. Frostpaw shrugged apologetically.
"Today's the day we discuss a plan to save the kits and apprentices-" Wolfpaw began.
"Wait, save the kits and apprentices from what?" Brownpaw asked. Frostpaw sighed as she realized he was still there. Now Brownpaw knew.
"Oh great, now look what you've done." Frostpaw said. Wolfpaw bit her lip. "Okay, will someone fill Brownpaw in on what he now is involved in?" Frostpaw asked, looking directing at Wolfpaw. She glared at Frostpaw.
"Fine." Wolfpaw growled. She turned to Brownpaw and began.
Once she had finished, Brownpaw looked from the Wolfpaw to Frostpaw and then Briarpaw and said, "If this is true, then we're all going to be captured as well." There was silence as the horrible truth sunk in. Frostpaw had never thought of that.
What will happen then?
Frostpaw looked at Briarpaw and leaned her head on his shoulder. Brownpaw growled.
"For one thing that obviously hasn't been explained, why does he have to be involved?" Brownpaw said.
"Because Frostpaw and I were the ones that discovered this was even going to happen! If it weren't for us, you'd be unaware that one of your Clan is a traitor in the first place!" Briarpaw snarled.
"I'm not the only one with a non-loyal cat in the Clan!" Brownpaw shot back. Briarpaws claws slid out, as did Brownpaw's. Then, they leapt at each other. Frostpaw stepped back as they slashed and clawed at each other, spraying blood everywhere. Their battle was short lived when both Frostpaw and Wolfpaw pulled the toms apart, Frostpaw with Briarpaw and Wolfpaw with Brownpaw.
"Stop it! We're all in this together now so we end to work together!" Wolfpaw said, looking at the toms through slitted eyes. They both closed their mouth's and stared at her and listened. "We need to make plans, now." Suddenly an idea formed in Frostpaws brain.
"I believe I have an idea."

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