35: Promises Are Meant To Be Kept

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{Chapter Under Edition} ~Dream Catcher  


There's actually no warning but now I've got your attention ^.^'
I know some of you don't actually read Author's notes, because, we all have to admit it, at least we've skipped one author note in our lives, but I would like you to read this... I wanted to thank you.
Like... Really thank you.
All the comments, all the votes; you have no idea how much all of them mean to me.
36.6 K reads?! Man! I never thought this story would get so far!
And we've gotta be honest.
There's no successful story without readers, so you are part of this story and its success, so thank you very much.
Hope you enjoy.
This one's for you.

~Dream Catcher


I wake up and rub my eyes with my right hand. I blink a few times and look... Well great... I forgot I'm at the hospital. It's been two days since I woke up and I just wish I was asleep.... I don't actually like hospitals... Bad memories come when I'm in them.
I groan and run a hand through my hair.
I turn my head to the little table at my left side and see a wrapped box with a small paper attached to the top.
I look at it curiously and sit up, careful not to use my left hand to push me up.
I grab the paper and find a message written on it:

Hi Cael!
I know you don't actually enjoy being at the hospital, so I had an idea which you might like.
Now you won't hate being there so much, believe me.
Hope you like my gift :)

PS: Sorry for tossing you around the other day...but you have to admit it, it was actually really fun.

He didn't actually write that but, you know, he told me to and I wrote it.
Now, do what you do.
-Will again

I smile and place the paper on the table.
What does he mean with 'do what you do?'
I take the wrapped box and try to remove the wrapping paper slowly, but as always, I end up braking it somewhere around the box.
I take the cover away and find about ten white sheets of paper Inside the box. I take them out and... Mm... There's something else below them...
Oh God...
Oh God Oh God Oh Godhfjfkjdahakfkhsnsjd
A brand new box of 72 colour pencils.

My jaw drops and I look around like there was a camera recording everything or that someone would come out from a hiding place to shout 'SURPRISEEEE!' In front of my astonished face.

I smile widely as I take the box and place it on my lap.
I look at the sheets of paper at my side.
I used to draw only forests. That was the only 'inspiration'...
Those forest drawings are so vanished form my mind right now...


I look at the drawing on my hand. Satisfied, I place the pencil in my hand back in the box and smile at the drawing.


The thing I love the most of this picture... His bright blue optics, being what shines the most in the drawing.

I look at the second sheet of paper and smile again.
I perfectly now who to draw next.



Those three drawings lay in front of me on the bed while I work on my fourth drawing.
A nurse enters to the room and smiles at me.
Her name's Janice, she has light brown hair and green eyes, 27 years old, she's like the only person who makes this place less miserable.

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