Chapter 19

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Arriving at the party house we jump out of Bonnie's jeep and walk through the door while everyone stares at us. Bonnie's leans over, and says we are hot ain't we? I push her away and start to laugh. Making my way into the kitchen I see Julius, and he is staring at me. I start feeling nervous and shy again after so many days If not, seeing him.
  I turn the other way to leave but stop hearing Julius says Star please wait, but I start walking again because I don't know what to say to him yet. Hearing him sigh he walks back into the kitchen.Looking around
  I see Bonnie and Laney dancing away in the middle of the living room, so I walk over to join them letting loose and having some fun. We start dancing, bumping and grinding on each other laughing up a storm. After an hour or so of dancing we finally take a break and sit down each grabbing a drink. Looking at all the yummy beverages, I see my favorite drink sex on the beach heck yeah and take a big drink of it. Mm! tastes amazing like heaven in my mouth, I say while laughing.
  While, and chatting away with Laney a boy comes up, and asks me to dance. Thinking what the hell he's cute with green eyes, and blonde hair plus he seems nice, so I take him up on his offer while he blushes and takes me to the dance floor. I
  ask the boy what his name is he says my name's Brian what's your name gorgeous?
  I'm Star it's nice to meet you. Brian smiles and wraps his arms around my waist while I place mine around his neck, and we start to dance. A fast song start playing, so we jump around while dancing and Brian starts singing to the music and I bust up laughing because he sounds so funny, and he knows it.
  After the song is done I grab another drink and sit down because my feet are starting to ache from all the dancing and fun I've been doing with everyone. Having the urge all of a sudden to pee I stand up in search of the bathroom. Gosh this place is huge!
  Julius POV:
  Axel come on we have to get going! Alright alright I'll be down there in a minute dude hold on. The party is tonight and I know Star will be there and I've stayed away from her long enough. Yeah! I know it's only been a few days but if you had a mate you would understand. Once you lay eyes on her, you just can't stay away and you have this impossible urge to be with them 24/7 no matter what as their friend, soul mate and lover so yes w are on our way to the party, so I can finally see her lovely face again.
  Julius you should really start blocking people out of your mind more often you sound like a lost puppy man Axel says while laughing. Rolling my eyes at my brother oh shut up you will understand when you find your beloved. Let's go already I'm running out of patience with you, I say pointing my finger at him.
  Okay chill brother we are leaving.
  At the party I make my way to the kitchen to grab a beer midway through I smell vanilla and coconut and I know my girl is here somewhere. A few minutes later Star comes in the kitchen our eyes lock when she sees me, but she is the first to look away.
  Star then turns around to leave. Wait, please can we talk? But she keeps walking.
  Giving up for now I go back into the kitchen and watch her from afar. She seems like she is having fun dancing with Bonnie and Laney. Then I see Brian talking to her and I start feeling aggravated. It pisses me off seeing another male so close to my mate but I try to control my temper because I want her to have a good time due to her shitty week. I rather not make her hate me more than she already does. After a while of watching her I see Star making her way upstairs.
  I follow her because I'm possessive for one and Falcon is still out there, so I always have that in the back of my mind that he will try to show up and take her from me anytime. Star comes out if the bathroom and before she has a chance to run off again I stop her by grabbing her hand. Star dammit please listen to me I'm so sorry you had to find out everything this way but there is nothing we can do about it now please stop hating me. She ends up slapping me in the face but I still managed to hold onto her thinking to myself yep I deserved that and more.
  She looks in my eyes with ushered tears and says, Julius I don't hate you I never could even if I try to you was just trying to protect me the only way you knew how. It's just that right now I'm really confused and I sometimes wish I could just forget. Forget about everything like meeting you and everything else that has led up to this very moment, but I can't because with everything that has happened I refuse to forget the way I feel about you.
  What I said before when you were telling me everything about myself and family I'm sorry for blowing up on you when I didn't have a right to do so. You asked me what I saw in my future I wanted to be a doctor just like my parents were but now I don't know what I want. You believe that you brought all this hell to my life, but the truth is I was already around it long before I ever meet you. Julius you don't get to choose my life for me or put me on the right path just because you think it's best. I have always had an idea of what I wanted I just didn't want to believe it but it's you Julius it will always be you.
  I love you! Before she has a chance to say anything else I grab her chin and crash my lips on to hers. Taking her by surprise she doesn't move, but then she starts kissing me back and it turns into one passionate kiss fighting for dominance. Pulling away from the kiss I tell her Star ever since I first laid eyes on you in the coffee shop I knew you was the one and it wasn't just because the bond we share. I love you too!

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