Chapter 10

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Julius's POV:
    On my way back home I'm going well over the speed limit but I couldn't care less right now. Star's life is in danger, and she doesn't know anything about it or even I really am. How do you tell a girl you just meet hey so yeah we are mates and you actually a hybrid that's in danger plus everyone you have ever knew has lied to you your whole life, and they are also supernatural.
  Yeah, right! Great plan not I would definitely lose her before I even had a chance to have her. Pulling into the driveway I start barking out orders not really barking because I'm a vampire and all but you know what I mean. Axel, Devon, Trevor where the hell are you. Not even a minute later we meet in my office to discuss the note and the deceased girl.
  Axel did you place two guards outside the house like I asked.
  Axel — Yes I sent two if our best Peter and Kyle.
  Me — Okay good idea sending them. Devon Trevor were you able to get any information on what happened tonight.
  Devon — Not too much we talked to a few people one lady said she seems person in a black hoodie ruin out of the haunted house just minutes before Lola and Star went in but that is it she couldn't give any more information because he was in all black and his hood covered their face.
  Me- It has to be one of Falcons minions that work for him. Everyone keep looking make sure the pack and clan are up to date with everything that has been going on. I'll see if Travis or Lola have any leads on his ware about. Taking my phone out I ring Travis
  Travis — Hey man did you find anything out about Falcons ware about.
  Me — No man that's why I was calling you to see if you have. How is Star doing after everything.
  Travis — she is fine a little shoo ken up but nothing to worry about.
  Me- Okay let me know if anything happens or changes I placed two guards outside the house just in case.
  Travis- Thanks man means a lot and don't worry too much we will find him and end him for good.
  Me- Right there with you no one will rest until he is put down. I hang up the phone and get ready for bed. Heading upstairs to my room I strip out of my clothes from the day to my boxers and dream of Star. She is so beautiful and doesn't even know it I can't believe I have her as my mate.
  Star's POV:
  Tossing and turning all through the night I kept on dreaming about them silvery blue eyes that belong to that guy from the coffee shop I seen the other day. I don't understand why I keep dreaming about him it's not like I know him I don't even know his name for peep sake.
  All of a sudden my dream turns into a nightmare I can't make out the person face but I knew it was a guy because of his voice but that's not the scary part when he talks all he says is I'm coming for you Star and there is nothing anyone can do about it whether your protected or not I will get you then he jumps at me.
  Waking up screaming what the hell was that and why does he want me so bad. What have I ever done to anyone? Deciding on giving up on sleeping I slowly get out of bed and start to get ready for my first day at the new school. What I'm feeling now nervous I'd definitely an understatement.
  One because it's a new school, I don't know anyone, and I have no clue what to even wear ugh!. Throwing all my clothes out of the closet finding someone somewhat decent to wear I settle on a pretty summer dress that is white with yellow sunflowers on it matching it with the necklace my mom gave me for my last birthday it's a thin silver chain with a white crystal.
  Feeling something wet run down my check I realize I'm crying wiping my face off I do a loud sigh. Gosh, I miss them so much and wish they were still here with me. Grabbing my yellow and white flat sandals I get a quick shower then get dressed for the day. Walking into the kitchen I grab a bowl and some corn flakes and dig in. When I'm done I decide to get some fresh air before I have to leave, so I open the door and site down on the porch for a little.
  Scrolling through my phone I text everyone back home to see how they are doing.
  Jesse — everything is good we miss you like crazy it's not the same without you.
  I start to click on Cody's message but I hear a twig snap looking up I don't see anything, so I look back down to my phone and my attention is detracted again due to more twigs breaking and it sounds close by. Sitting my phone down I get up to check it out walking down the stone path through the garden I hear what sounds like growling. I slow my pass down to see if I see anything but right before I make it to the woods.
  I hear Lola Star what do you think you doing? I jump and squeak not expecting her and I turn around letting her know that I heard something, so I wanted to check it out.
  Lola — please come back to the house it's almost time to head to school.
  Meeting her at the porch steps I ask Lol if I'm able to drive myself, and she says oh him no problem at all I work till 5 do I won't be home till around 6 this afternoon will you be okay till then. Yes I'll be fine to please don't worry. I grab my bag and give Lola a kiss on the cheeks and head out to my car. I blare my music on the way to school to try and ease the nervousness I feel and it works a little. Pulling into the schools parking lot I take a look around it's just like any other school.
  You have your jocks, prep, loners, goths etc I also notice everyone is starring in my direction. I also see the same guy from the coffee shop and my cheeks start to heat up. I jump startled hearing someone knocking on my car window.
  Hello you must be new here?
  I'm Bonnie what's your name?
  Smiling a little I say Um yeah hey Bonnie it's that obvious ain't it?
  Bonnie — Yeah it is and no worries I'll show you around come on I'll introduce you to some of the gang.

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