Chapter 24

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Julius's POV:
  Dancing with Star I could barely contain myself she is just so beautiful and smells so divine I can't keep my hands off her and I still can't believe she is all mine and accepted our mate bond. We dance for about an hour, and then she noticed the karaoke machine getting excited she takes my hand and runs to the DJ asking if she can do a song. Be my guest dear do you have a song picked out already. Star tells him her song, and she jumped up on the stage.
  Listening and watching her she seems so at peace and her voice is so angel like she truly is a very talented woman and I'm proud to tell the world she is all mine. After her song she finds me and gives me a kiss Star your voice is beautiful how come you never told me you can sing.
  She blushes and says with a giggle well Julius you never asked. I just smile at her and tell her she did great. Julius I'm going to go freshen up I'll meet you at our table, and she gives me a sweet kiss on the check. Heading over to the bar, I grab myself along with Star a new drink and head over to our friends.
  Sitting down I see Axel and Sammy eating each other's face. Get a room you two already I tell them while laughing. Shut up dude Axel says and Sammy just blushes. Dude I told you when you finally found your mate you'd know how I felt didn't I. Yeah yeah I know you were right Sammy is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  Turning to look at Sammy she blushes again, and I tell her good luck with this guy right here he can definitely be a handful making, her laugh. Axel wrapped his arms around her waist glares at me for the million time it feels like causing me to laugh at him. Before I can say anything I hear commission coming from the bathroom and some random guys tells Bitch you will pay for this then I see he is talking to Star.
  He is yelling at my mate I say anger coursing through my veins I jump up from my seat knowing my eyes are now red, and my fangs are out. Standing in front of Star I grab the guys arm and slam him against the opposite wall. Throwing punch after punch to his face yelling how dare you try to hurt my mate and your Queen. Then I feel Star touching my shoulder saying Julius please stop that's enough you're going to kill him. Good he deserves it.
  Star's POV:
  As Julius continues his violent assault on the man, I desperately try to intervene, my heart pounding in my chest. I reach out, gripping Julius' shoulder, pleading for him to stop. But his rage consumes him, and he pays no heed to my words. The man's face is bloody and bruised, his body limp against the wall. Julius's eyes are filled with a dark fury, his fangs bared and his grip on the man's arm unyielding.
  Fear courses through my veins, not for myself, but for what Julius has become in this moment. "Julius, please!" I cry, my voice shaking. "He's defenseless now.
  We need to stop." But my pleas fall on deaf ears. Julius's anger has blinded him, turning him into a predator, driven by a primal instinct to protect what's his.
  The man's groans grow weaker, his body slumping to the ground. "Good, he deserves it," Julius growls, his voice laced with venom. My heart sinks as I realize the extent of Julius's transformation. This is not the man I fell in love with, the gentle soul who would do anything to keep me safe.
  This is a creature consumed by darkness, unable to control his own violent impulses. I take a step back, my hands trembling, unsure of what to do next. I feel a surge of power within me, my own supernatural abilities awakening in response to the danger. But I know that using them against Julius would only exacerbate the situation.
  Summoning every ounce of courage, I raise my voice, hoping to break through to him. "Julius, this isn't who you are," I say, my voice shaking. "You're better than this. Please, come back to me." Julius's eyes flicker for a moment, a glimmer of recognition breaking through the dark haze.
  His grip on the man's arm loosens, and he takes a step back, his fangs retracting. The man's bloodied form slumps to the ground, moaning in pain. Using my last option I yell as loud as I can Julius Stop This Now! He looks at me right away, and stops. Star your eyes um there glowing blue.
  Shutting my eyes I try to get them back to normal and opening them a minute later Julius is standing in front of me looking concerned. Kissing him on the check to let him know I'm fine. Babe I know they're doing that your powers are starting to come in he says but don't worry I'll show you how to control them.
  I give him a hard glare, and say it's your fault because you wouldn't listen to... And before I was able to finish he smashes his lips to mine, and we end up in a heated kiss in between kisses he says Star kiss let's kiss go kiss home. Okay Julius let's go. Telling all our friends we will see them later Axel offers to take everyone home when they are ready.

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