Chapter 50

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Stars POV:
   The girls are already at the house when Sammy and I arrive. I would rather not tell anyone else about the pregnancy until Julius knows. So the only ones that know this far are Sammy, Dr. Gray, and I, of course. Hey girls, would you like to help make brunch, Sammy and I picked up a few things when we were out?
   Hearing a chorus of sure, yes, and yeahs, we start emptying the bags on the counters and tables. I've decided to make Julius favorite meal which is white spaghetti, garlic cheesy bread, and some odds and ends vegetables. I know what you're thinking he's a vampire why is he eating garlic.
    Well, the garlic thing is a myth, it doesn't work like the stories tell you. I take charge of the bustling kitchen, the sound of water beginning to boil in the pot for the spaghetti noodles filling the air with anticipation. Meanwhile, the girls dive into prepping the vibrant veggies and whipping up a batch of garlic cheesy bread with skill and enthusiasm.
  As we work together, the kitchen becomes a symphony of laughter and chatter, our voices intertwining as we share stories, jokes, and dreams. The joy of being surrounded by loved ones, the clang of pots and pans, and the aroma of delicious food coming together create a vibrant atmosphere of togetherness.
  An hour whirls by in a whirlwind of cooking and camaraderie, and finally, the fruits of our labor are ready. We ended up making enough to feed 50 people. It seems like a lot, but with us being all supernaturals we tend to eat a lot because we have fast metabolisms in which we could all eat anywhere between three and five plates each. I'm starving myself, I feel like I can eat a whole cow. No worries though I won't actually do that!
   I yell out brunch is ready, boys come and get it. Julius comes over to me and gives me a small kiss on the lips. Oh! My favorite meal what's the special occasion baby? Laughing nervously I tell him nothing, can we not just enjoy a meal with our friends, we don't get to do it as much anymore since we are all always busy? Yes, dear he says you definitely have a point lets it. It all looks delicious.
   Everyone starts making their plates, and they pile them up high. Julius, being the sweetheart that he is, tells me to sit down, and he will make mine and his plate. I obliged and sat down, waiting for my plate. After everyone gets there plate and settles down. I stand up to make my speech, tapping my fork against my glass of water, I start. Looking around the table to say, I called you all here to share some news.
   Looking at Sammy, she has a gigantic smile on her face eager to see everyone's reactions. Julius looks confused because he is clueless on the news as well as everyone else. I continue Julius this news is most importantly for you, I say smiling ear to ear. I pick up the envelope with the ultrasound and prefect report and walk over to him.
   Bending down to give him a feather like kiss I hand him the envelope containing the secret. He still stares at me, confused. I laugh again and say, well, are you going to open it. He looks at the envelope and then back to me and back to the envelope yet again before he actually opens it ever so slowly.
   He looks at the picture, but you can tell he doesn't understand what it is because his eyebrows twitch on and off. Then he pulls out the pregnancy report and starts to read. His eyes begin to grow as big as saucersHe looks up at me as I stand before him, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Are you serious?" he exclaims, his voice filled with shock and awe.
  With a slow nod of my head, tears of joy start to stream down my face. In a sudden burst of excitement, he jumps up so fast that he knocks over his chair, then scoops me up in his arms and spins me around in a whirlwind of emotions. "I'm going to be a daddy! I will be a daddy!" he shouts repeatedly, a mix of laughter and tears filling the room.
  As the spinning finally comes to a stop, he plants a sweet kiss on my lips before lowering me back to the ground. Then, with a tender touch, he kisses my belly and whispers, "Hello there, little bean. I'm your daddy, and I can't wait to meet you."
  The room erupts in cheers and congratulations as our loved ones celebrate with us. "Congratulations, Star! Congratulations, Julius! We're going to be aunts and uncles!" The air is filled with love, laughter, and the promise of new beginnings.
   With excitement bubbling in my chest, I snatch up the ultrasound and eagerly point to the tiny form on the screen, exclaiming to Julius, "That's our precious little bean right there." The image of our baby, only just over five weeks along, fills me with a sense of wonder and joy that words can barely capture.
  Dr. Gray's words about our next appointment in a month's time and the possibility of seeing our baby's tiny fingers and toes send a surge of anticipation through me. Overwhelmed by the emotions coursing through me, tears of pure happiness start to flow down my cheeks.
  Julius enfolds me in a warm, comforting hug, his concern evident as he asks me why I'm crying. With a quivering voice, I manage to explain, "I'm just so overjoyed, my love. I've always dreamt of starting a family with you, and now it's becoming a reality."
  In that moment, Julius leans in to kiss me tenderly, his touch filled with love and reassurance. His whispered words of encouragement and excitement for our future together as parents make my heart swell with gratitude and love, knowing that the time we've been waiting for has finally arrived.

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