Chapter 11

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Stars POV:
  Closing the door to my car I hit the lock button to follow Bonnie. Come on Star don't be nervous we won't bite. Bonnie sayings while holding in a chuckle. Fighting the urge to roll my eyes I walk next to Bonnie with a small smile on my face. Stopping next to her friends car I look up and see a girl with black curly hair and blue eyes with fair color skin. She has the biggest smile on her face and I smile back to her.
  Bonnie starts to introduce me to everyone. This is Axel he smiles at me and I give him a small wave. This is Laney, hey it's nice to have another girl in the gang. They are Damon, Trevor, and Julius he is also Axel's brother. Thinking to myself that's why they look so much alike duh! Julius shows me what I'm guessing is his trademark smile oh gosh them dimples are to die for geezer girl you don't even know the dude and you already eye googling him my self-conscious say.
  I give him a big smile in return. He pulls me in for a friendly hug, so I hug him back but what catches me off guard are the little tingles I'm feeling where ever he touches me, so I pull back a little too quick. After the little episode I give them all a wave and let them know I'm Star Sullivan. Julius asks me if he could see my schedule, so I pull it out if my bag and hand it to him. Smiling he says we have two classes together but my last two classes are with Bonnie and Laney.
  The bell sounds off, and he hands me back my schedule and tells me he'll walk me to my first class. Well here I go hello Lincoln High. Guess I didn't realize I was just standing there Julius grabs my hand making me just startled he says apologetically sorry for scarring you and starts to lead me into the school. I don't understand why but I like him holding my hand, so I don't pull away. First period is history and I start to feel nervous again because all eyes are on me and I hear people whispering
  Who is that?
  Why is she holding his hand ugh?
  OMG she is so lucky to catch Julius' eye?
  She is so pretty!
  I start to blush and let go of Julius hand because of all the whispers, but he stops in his tracks and tells me not to worry they just don't know who you are we hardly ever get new students here. Taking a deep breath we continue to walk into class. Looking into the classroom I see there are limited seats left Julius must have seen my expression because he offers me the seat next to him.
  Yeah! Okay if you don't mind.
  Sitting down on the left side of him I place my bag on the floor under my chair right before the teacher walks in. I see we have a new student please introduce yourself. I start blushing because I hate being the center of attention and let everyone know I'm Star Sullivan just moved here from South Dakota about a week ago and I live with my aunt and uncle. Feeling my eyes start to burn of the memories of my parents and look down.
  Well it's a pleasure to meet you Star my names Mrs. Kristy. Now everyone listen up turn to page 115 in your books and read through till 220 don't forget to answer the questions on the following page. I start reading the pages and feel my leg vibrate due to someone most likely texting.
  Reaching into my pocket and unlocking my phone I see a text from Cody asking how my first day of school is going so far with a smile on my face I let him know...
  Me- it's not too bad already meet some pretty cool people. How are you doing?
  Cody- good Jasmine has been talking my ear off about missing you and everything lol.
  Me- tell her along with the rest of the gang that I miss them too can't wait to see you.
  Cody- okay will do I have to go Mrs. Reese is giving me the evil eye. Attempting to hold in a laugh I put my phone away, and I have that feeling that someone's starring and look up to see that Julius has his eyes on me. Julius says, What got you all smiles I know for a fact history isn't that fun. Oh!
  I just got done texting Cody a friend from back home he misses me along with the rest of my old friends. I see a flicker of hurt/ anger run across his face but as quick as it was there it was gone and a smile spreads across his lips making me smile back. I was about to ask him a question but the bell rang indicating it was the end of first period. Packing my stuff up to leave Julius asks me if he can walk me to my next clads since he's going the same way.
  Yeah, sure no problem he grabs my hand again and I don't feel as nervous as I did this morning and I think it's because I'm with Julius. Lunchtime rolls around pretty fast and I make my way to the cafeteria. Once in the cafeteria I look around for a spot to sit. I hear someone yell my name and notice it's Bonnie.
  Hey Star come on making my way to the table where I see Laney, Axel, Damon, Trevor and Julius sitting down. I go to take a seat next to Laney but Julius pulls me over to sit between him and Bonnie. Failing miserably my cheeks betray me and turn a dark shade of pink. Why do I keep blushing so bad today Ugh!!! Taking a seat Bonnie asks me how my days going.
  It's not bad but everyone keeps staring at me and it's a bit annoying if I'm being honest. I understand that I'm the new girl but still. Everyone laughs at that and Bonnie says well it ain't everyday we get a new student and not a babe like you. Yeah! Right girl you are gorgeous and I'm just me she rolls her eyes at that. Hey Star there's a party this Friday did you want to go with us?
  Feeling Julius tense up beside me for some reason I tell Laney I'll have to ask my aunt and uncle but I'm pretty sure they won't mind. Lola has already said they don't want me to be a homebody and sit around at the house all the time everyone chuckles again. Julius wraps his arm around my waist making me go stiff feeling those spark like things again.
  Turning my head to look at Laney I see her and Bonnie with a smirk on their faces, and they yell shopping trip want to go this afternoon when school ends. That way we can all find the perfect outfits for the party. Yeah! That sounds great to me. They both yell again yes road trip bitches!!!

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