Chapter 1

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Star POV:
  I'm Star Avery Sullivan 17 years old long wavy brown hair, green eyes, I wouldn't say I'm short, but I stand at a mere 5'4 and I'm a little on the thin side. I was born and raised in Hot Springs, South Dakota I love walking around in the forest, hanging out with my friends and running through the fields of sunflowers all around the town.
  My parents couldn't decide on my name till the day I was born, but once my eyes opened for the first time they twinkled like a starry night sky, and named me Star at least that's what my mother told me. Keegan and Esmé are my parents their doctors for the biggest hospital in South Dakota Mama is an obstetrician and my father is a cardiologist, so, they are always busy due to there work. I wouldn't say we are rich, but we're definitely not poor either I would say we live a comfortable life.
  Since I don't like asking them for money because I know they worked hard for it so, I got a job over summer working in a little book store named, 'Mother Goose Bookstore." The sweetest old lady with short white curls owns the little shop her name is Cindy May she always treats me like a grand daughter making sure that I ate enough before I came into work. The first time, I meet her she asked me to call her Grandma because that is what everyone calls her in town which I didn't mind because I never got the chance to meet my biological grandparents plus two of my best girl friends work there with me to so, it is never boring, and we always find something to occupy ourselves with when we don't have any customers.
  Speaking of friends my best friends are Cody and Jasmine they have been together forever seriously ever since elementary school they are considered the golden couple at school and then there is Jesse and Sam you can tell they adore each other, but both are way too stubborn to make the first move. We all go to this school called Richmond High just like any other school you have your jocks, the popular kids, loners, nerds and then there is us I wouldn't say we are losers we just like to stay out of trouble and don't like to cause any unnecessary problems. All in all I'm pretty much your ordinary teenage girl.
    Now enough about me time for the story.
     Beep Beep Beep!! I jump up hearing my alarm go off dragging me out of that awful nightmare that seems to haunt me in my sleep every night for the last two weeks I don't really understand the meaning of them though. I've looked up weird nightmares on the internet, but no useful information ever comes up that explains them. I don't bother mentioning it to my parents because they are always busy with work and life plus they would probably think I'm crazy because dreaming about vampires with red eyes, witches with magic, and werewolves that change into people chasing me into a cabin in the dark forest just sounds crazy, before I get a chance to think too much into it and get lost in my mind as usual.
  Realizing I have to get ready for our first day of senior year Yes! Just one more year, and I'll be done and off to Stanford University in California my dream school I want to study to become a doctor just like my parents, so I can make them proud. Sprinting into the bathroom and doing my morning routines. I turn my head looking into the mirror the evidence of my hair and under my eyes definitely show that I didn't get enough sleep last night due to the nightmare again. Deciding to jump into the shower to wash my hair real quick and tame the craziness.
  I hear my mother calling me from the kitchen downstairs telling me to pick my pass up so, I'm not late. Jumping out of the shower I put on my clothes for the day, and finish putting my makeup on to cover my tired eyes. When I'm done I yell out... "Coming Mama" When I reach the bottom of the steps she notices me and with a smile on her face say, Star please sit down and eat before you rush out the door to school I made breakfast, you're so thin you need to eat before you wither away, and she starts laughing. When I sit down and start eating my eggs and toast with jelly I get this bone chilling feeling running down my spine that I can't seem to shake no matter how hard I try. What the heck!!
  All of a sudden I get pulled back into reality hearing a car horn going off, Honk Honkkkk!!! Shit!! One of my best friends Cody is here to pick me up for school I totally forgot. I look at the time and realize we only have 15 minutes to get there so, I throw my shoes on, grab my sweater and book bag from behind the chair. Giving my mother and father a kiss on the cheek and wishing them a great day and to be safe at work.
  I run out the door into the nice crispy air to Cody's car where I find Cody and Jasmine making out, while waiting for me ewe!! So, I knock on the window startling them from their heated moment and start busting up laughing at their death glares if looks could kill I'd be dead by now. Jumping into the backseat of his 1980s mustang it really is a beauty with its leather seats, blue and black interior and silver body.
  Jasmine pulls me out of my thought while laughing her ass off, and says, What took you so long it's about damn time you show up. I roll my eyes at her, and say like you really cared seemed like you was to busy to notice if you ask me (laughing). We speed off down the road towards school, looking out the window passing time I see all the beautiful sunflower fields of South Dakota that go on for so many miles they always seem to put me at ease wishing I was out there instead of on my way to school. It's not like I hate school I'm actually very good in a lot of subjects and I love learning new things it's just some days I rather not go...

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