Chapter 27

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Waking up the following morning I replay in my head what happened the night before feeling my face get flushed from the memory I close my eyes to try and calm my wondering mind. Finally, noticing Julius' arm draped over my stomach I flip over in his arms.
  Noticing that he is still sleeping I take the time to admire him. He looks so sweet while sleeping not that he's not sweet when he awake, but he looks at peace with his pouty lips and soft snores flowing through his slightly parted lips. I take in his strong jaw line and slowly run my fingers over his cheek. Julius leans into my hand with a soft purr making me giggle quietly.
  Then my eyes travel lower to his eight pack abs running my fingers over them slowly, so I don't wake him up he stirs, so I bring my hand back fast to my side and cover my face with the covers. A few seconds later I peak from under my cover and see he hasn't woken up, so I continue my ogling and my eyes travel even further down, and I see he is completely nude.
  My eyes grow wide and my mouth parts open wide realizing how big his friend is, and I still can't believe it fit in me. Hearing chuckling I snap my head up and see Julius is wide awake and staring at me making me blush a crimson red and I hide under the covers making him do his sexy deep laugh. Oh my gosh would you shut up I mumble hoping he doesn't hear me, but the luck is definitely not on my side today when I feel the covers being torn off me making a shiver run down my spine. Glaring at the blanket theif I try to grab it back but of course he's faster than I.
  Julius then throws the blanket and starts tickling me. Say your sorry Star or I won't stop Julius says. I yell NEVER and he continues trying to get away from him but miserably failing I cave. Ugh I'm sorry Julius. What was that I couldn't hear you he says, and I see him smirking. I SAID SORRY please stoppp!!! He laughs but then finally stops tickling me.
  Thank goodness I say to myself and grab my pillow and throw it at his face. Watching the pillow slide down his face and fall on the bed I start laughing my ass off at his surprised expression. I stop laughing real quick when he says run looking at him confused it clicks oh shit!! I jump up real quick to try and run to my bathroom, but he's faster of course. In a blink of an eye I'm over his shoulders, and he's laughing. Julius dammit put me down this instant I say while trying to wiggle my way out of his grip.
  Earning me a hard slap on the ass making me squeak. Ouch, that hurt you asshole. Realizing my mistake to late I earned myself another slap on the ass, and he throws me on the bed making me fall with a bounce. He stalks over to me like I'm his pray climbing on the bed he stopped over top of me and says you have a dirty mouth women. Giving him my best puppy dog eyes I tell I know, but you love it I say with a seductive voice making him growl and slam his lips onto mine.
  Pulling apart when we hear a loud knock on the door we both growl with dissatisfaction. Come in I say yelling, and we see Sammy peak her head through the door with her hand over her eyes. Guys is it safe I rather not see anything I don't want to making Julius and myself crack up laughing. I tell her it's safe she removes her hand sighing and saying thank goodness. When she moved away from the door everyone else following and when I say everyone I mean Axel, Jasmine, Cody and Jesse. Damn it smells like sex in here open a freaking window I hear Cody say making my face turn beat red and everyone else laugh including Julius.
  Smacking Cody arm Ouch what was that for. You know why you jerk, and he gives me a bone crushing hug making Julius let out a possessive growl saying mine. Cody let's go and puts his arms up in a mock surrender was making me laugh at his stupidity. Rolling my eyes I tell him to put his hands down, and I walk over to Julius and give him a peak on the cheek letting him know I'm his.
  I notice Sammy's shoulder is not longer bare winking at her, I tell her I see I'm not the only one that got lucky last night am I making Sammy blush and Axel laugh while putting his arms around her waist. Earning him a punch in the arm from Sammy making everyone snicker. After the laughter dies down Sammy says there's breakfast downstairs and on cue my stomach growls making Julius chuckle and say are you hungry babe.
  Yes I'm starving, and I make a beeline to the door and run down the steps into the kitchen, so I can stuff my face with some amazing food. When everyone makes it to the kitchen we all pile food onto our plates and dig in hearing moaning going around the table after we all take our first bite making everyone crack up laughing. Oh my gosh, we sound like a bunch of horny dogs I say making everyone laugh harder.
  When everyone is done eating I tell everyone to make themselves at home because I needed to get a shower. I proceed to make my way up the stairs and notice Julius hot on my trail, so I run in my room into the bathroom and try to shut the door but can't because Julius foot is in the way. Hm! are you forgetting someone he says with a mischievous grin. Pretending to think I put my finger under my chin and say Nope!
  Julius then pushes the door open and invite himself in saying you're a mean woman. I laugh saying I know with a smirk on my face. Curling my pointer finger into a come here motion. Julius walks and stops right in front of me and I roam my hands down his shirt hooking my fingers underneath the material and bringing it over his head in one swift move.
  I look into his eyes and see that they have darkened with love and lust making me purr in delight. Slowly moving my face to his I brush my lips against his in a teasing manner making him growl. Locking eyes with him, I do it again and again till Julius has had enough and crashes his lips to mine making me giggle. Feeling his tongue run over my bottom lip, but I deny his request earning me a low growl making him try again, so I part my lips, and we explore each other's mouths fighting for domination but of course he wins.
  Breaking apart to let some much-needed air in my lungs. We continue to help each other out of our clothes and make our way in the shower for a much-needed bath at least that's what I thought, but Julius had others plans. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist with a shit eating grin, and before I can react he slams his cocky into my awaiting pussy.
  After a very long sexy shower we get out to get ready for the day and I can't help but look into the mirror and see Julius' mark, and it's absolutely beautiful with our names in cursive writing with a crescent moon. Julius leans over and kisses my mark telling me he loves his mark on me and of course I blush.

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