Chapeter 17

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Waking up the next morning, Julius is overcome with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. The sleepless night weighs heavily on his mind, leaving him feeling like he's been dragged through the depths of despair. With a heavy heart, he makes the decision to skip school, realizing that he simply cannot muster the energy or focus to face another day of classes.
  As he descends the stairs, his empty stomach growls, a reminder of the neglect he had shown himself the previous night. Grabbing a bowl of cereal, he indulges in something quick and easy, lacking the motivation to cook a proper meal. Just as he settles into his solitude, the sound of footsteps interrupts his solitude, and he looks up to find Travis, wearing a sad smile.
  Travis's concern for Julius is evident as he asks how he's doing, but Julius can only offer a nonchalant shrug, barely able to articulate the weight that burdens him. He confesses that he doesn't feel up to going to school, and Travis understands, assuring him that he'll notify the school of his absence.
  Julius musters a small smile, appreciating Travis's understanding. With his bowl left in the sink, Julius retreats back upstairs to get dressed, his energy depleted and his spirits low. He settles for comfortable attire, not planning to leave the confines of his home on this particular day. Returning to the living room, he absentmindedly flips through TV channels until he stumbles upon an episode of "The Walking Dead." The thought of fictional zombies brings a fleeting sense of relief, a temporary escape from his own turmoil.
  Amidst the chaos of the show, Julius's phone rings, and he answers to find Sam on the other end. The sound of her voice brings a bittersweet pang to his heart, reminding him of the friends he's grown distant from. He musters the strength to assure her that everything is fine, despite the turbulent emotions swirling within him. Sam's concern persists, but Julius insists that he's okay, not wanting to burden her with the complexities of his own mind.
  As he steps outside, seeking solace in the fresh air, Julius finds himself drawn towards the garden path that leads into the woods. A nagging feeling of being watched lingers in his mind, compelling him to venture further into the wilderness. The snap of a twig startles him, and he turns abruptly, only to be confronted by Star.
  Her sudden appearance catches him off guard, and he raises his hands in a gesture of surrender, apologizing for unintentionally scaring her. Their encounter is filled with an air of tension, as they both struggle to navigate the aftermath of recent events. Star hesitantly suggests getting coffee together, and Julius's eyes widen with surprise, a small smile gracing his lips.
  They walk side by side in silence, each burdened with their own thoughts, until they reach a quaint café at the edge of town. Holding the door open for Star, Julius silently conveys his gratitude for this chance to reconnect. As they settle into a secluded booth, Star musters the courage to ask Julius for an explanation, desperate for clarity amidst the confusion that plagues her mind.
  Julius, understanding the weight of her request, agrees to lay bare the truth, promising to honor whatever decision she ultimately makes. The suspense hangs heavy in the air as Star poses her questions, seeking understanding in a world that has become increasingly enigmatic. Julius's revelations unfold, unveiling the sinister intentions of Falcon and the significance of Star's powers.
  The reality of her destiny and the battles she will face weigh heavily on her, fear and uncertainty etched into her eyes. Julius reassures her, promising that she is not alone, that there are allies protecting her, though the weight of her fears remains palpable. With each question answered, the pieces of Star's life fall into place, revealing the hidden truths her parents had kept from her.
  The pain of their loss resurfaces, mingling with the newfound knowledge of their sacrifices to protect her. Julius's presence is a source of solace in her turmoil, his explanation shedding light on the events that led to this moment. The vulnerability between them deepens as Star questions the nature of their connection, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of curiosity and embarrassment.
  Julius's cheeks mirror her own as he explains the concept of being beloved, his words barely above a whisper. As she attempts to hide her face, Julius gently lifts her chin, their eyes locking in an intimate moment. With the barrage of questions subsided, Star requests time to process everything, and Julius nods, respect evident in his eyes. He offers to walk her back home, a gesture of support and understanding. As they make their way back, the suspense lingers, the uncertainty of what lies ahead palpable in their steps.

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