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You stared at the clock as you waited for it to reach 10:00 am. Why 10:00am? That's when your lunch is. And what does lunch have to do with anything? Dua Lipa, she has lunch written all over her. Everyone assumes she doesn't acknowledge you because she's the most popular girl in school and you're basically just a floating orb. But oh were they wrong.

You feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Hey are you going to see that new movie tonight?" Harry your best friend whispers

Harry Styles, your best mate since the first grade. Everyone believes you two are together , in fact you believe he's the best thing for you and your future but you simply can't picture it and it hurts you. You have so much love for him but not in the way everyone believes you should. He's a very good looking boy too, everyone wants him but you. He doesn't want anyone but you. He's patient.

"Um im not sure are you?" You respond and you can see his dimples forming meaning he definitely wants to ask that you'll go with him.

"Yes but only if you come with me, you know the cue" he smirks, he knows that smirks convinces you to do anything because it's so adorable. Again in a friendly way than an a romantic weird way. You also do the smirk whenever you want something so it's just a sign at this point.

This time though, you're not sure you can say yes so easily. Tonight was Dua's mother's birthday and you promised her mom you'd be there since she herself invited you. When it comes to Dua you're very delicate with each thing she lets you discover about her. You don't want to make Dua upset, you care too much about her.

"I'm not sure, my mother wants me to help her clean the chimney with her today" you make up

He laughs and shakes his head. He 100% could read through your lies. He knows everything about you and you know everything about him. At least he believes he knows everything about you. How no one has figured out you and Dua is still very shocking.

"You can say no to me you know that right? Don't lie to me it sucks" he whispers

"Sorry I just feel very tired today" you say

"No problem next week though maybe?" he says

"Of course" you respond, that is if Dua or her family don't invite you to do anything.


You walk right past the lunch room, ignoring the meal you should be eating in this very moment. Ignoring your two friends who have been confused for the past months on why you haven't been showing to lunch. Your reasoning being that you have been on a diet so your mother demands that you come to eat with her.

Once you open the school doors you feel it. Her scent in the air luring you to her. You take strong whiff of it and feel warmth in your soul. Your smile doesn't ask for permission it just forms.

Shes leaning on your car, she hasn't noticed you yet so you pause. Admiring every piece of her you can see. Her dark red hair slightly curled and messy matching her dark red lipstick. Her strong jawline that you find yourself kissing at every opportunity to you are given. The length of her as well, how she towers over you. You cannot help but wonder how you got her.

You press the unlock button on your keys, causing her to jump and quickly look towards you, now laughing.

"What the hell?!" She raises her arms in the air and you can see the mad facial expression she tries to put on but she fails completely as she lets a laugh out.
Those teeth, they're so white.

"Sorry!" You yell as you get closer to your car. Your grin being the biggest it's ever been.

"You think you're so funny huh" she says

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