Chapter Six.

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I step out of the tent after sitting in it for a while and look around my surroundings, the farm house is surrounded by fields and woods, with only one dirt road as the way in.

I look down and see some bottled water, I reach down and open it up, taking a drink from it. I look over to where the rest of of the tents, my eyes find a blonde women and a women with short hair staring at me, I open up my backpack and grab out the one top that isn't covered in blood, I go back into my tent and change into the top.

Bear starts barking from outside the tent, I grab my knife and quickly exit the tent, "sorry, I didn't mean to upset him" the short haired women says, standing a couple feet away from the tent, i whistle to Bear and he stops barking.

"I'm Carol" she says when I don't reply, a slight southern accent coming through, "I just wanted to come and introduce myself... I was also wondering if you would like me to clean any of your clothes?" She questions.

"you do laundry?" I question, my voice coming out low and quiet, I see she's shocked I said something but she quickly continues, "yeah, I just need something to distract myself" she says

"Sure" I say and hand her my clothes, she puts them all in a bag that she has brought with her, "I will get these done tomorrow" she chirps and walks off.


I look up from sharpening my knife when I hear footsteps approaching me, bear stands up and walks towards the cause, "come on, food is ready" Rick says petting my dog. "I'm fine, thanks" I mumble and carry on sharpening my knife.

"Listen you don't have to talk to anyone or be there for long, just eat and you can leave... Lori and Carl really want to see you" he says, I sigh and stop sharpening, "fine" I say and put my knife in it's place.

I follow behind Rick as he walks towards everyone sat around a fire, "Iris!" Lori shouts standing up and running towards me, she grabs me and pulls my body into hers, I keep my hands by my side still unsure. Another set of arms wrap around my lower body, I look down to see Carl holding me tightly.

They pull away, I look at Lori and see a flash of pain in her eyes, I give her a tight lipped smile and move away, I sit down on the floor away from the rest, until Rick comes and sits next to me.

I look around at the people around me, all of them staring except for one guy, who focuses on his plate of food. Rick passes me a plate of meat "thanks" I say.

"Bear down" I demand and he comes and lays down next to me, I begin to eat and throw some in front of Bear, "Iris this is Glenn, Carol, Andrea, Dale and Daryl" Rick says pointing to the others "Hershal owns the farm, he is the one that fixed your shoulder up, he lives here with his family Maggie, Beth, Patricia and Jimmy. They're all in the house right now." He explains

After a moment of silence he speaks up again "How'd you get shot?" He questions and everyone starts to listen, "I came across some trouble" I say and continue eating, "how'd you find us?" Dale asks "found some footprints a couple miles out and tracked them here" I say looking up and seeing them all looking at me, including Daryl.

"You tracked us?" Dale asks "one of the best trackers I know" Shane says "her and daryl... never seen anythin like it" he adds, i look back down to my plate taking another bite and then giving the rest to Bear. i stand up and start walking back to my tent with Bear close behind me.


"Bear, wake up" i say zipping up my bag after getting ready, the dog slowly gets up and follows me out of the tent, in order to hunt i need a gun but, i still havent had it given back to me, but i know exactly where Rick would've hidden them. I look over to the RV to see Glenn on guard, but to my luck he is asleep. I sneak around making sure to not wake anyone up, I grab my guns, i put my hand gun in my leg holster and make sure i have my silencer on my big gun. And then quietly walk towards the woods with Bear.

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