Chapter Eighty-seven.

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Chokeholds illegal.

Iris walks away from the graves and starts walking down the street, she smiles when she finds Daryl sitting outside the house working on his bike, "hey" she says "hey. How'd it go?" he asks, stopping the work he is doing on the bike and looking up at her, "nothin'. We're gonna head out further tomorrow. I just wanted to come tell you we're back before i head over to Denise's place and start helping her" Iris says, "'kay. See ya in a bit?" he asks "yeah" she says before making her way to the infirmary.

"Hey, you ready to start working?" Iris asks Denise as she walks into the infirmary, "yeah. I made you some oatmeal" Denise says handing her the bowl of food, "thanks" Iris says taking the bowl from her and shovelling the food into her mouth. When she finishes her food they start getting to work, "do you know what to do with a dislocated limb?" Iris asks, "no".

"okay... get the person to lay down on a table or a log... get them to relax and let the arm on the dislocated side hang straight down. Tie a heavy object that weighs about 5 to 10 pounds to the wrist, a backpack would work. Or grab the wrist of your injured arm and pull your arm forward and straight, in front of you. Splint or sling the shoulder joint in the position it's in... Dont move the shoulder or force it back into place." Iris explains as Denise writes it all down in her notebook.

"If you do it will damage the shoulder joint and its surrounding muscles, ligaments, nerves or blood vessels" she adds "if it's a knee, lie down on your back with a rolled towel under your thigh, just above the knee. Lift your heel up off the floor or bed and straight your knee as much as you can, without lifting the leg from the towel. Hold 5 seconds, lower your leg to the starting position and repeat 10 times." Iris explains.


Iris finishes up with Denise and leaves the infirmary to start doing her next job, "are you guys ready?" she asks the group standing around waiting for her, they all nod and she gets started, "okay. Today we're doing hand to hand combat" she says, "you. Step up" Iris says pointing to one of the men in the group, the man steps up and waits for instructions "when it comes to the outside world you cant choose to fight someone your size" she says, "show me what you've got" she says turning to the man.

He holds his hands up in front of his face and throws a fist at her, she quickly ducks making him lose his balance slightly, she stands up again behind him, kicking him in the back of the knee, he falls and lands on the floor on his knees, she grabs his hair and pulls his head back gaining more access to his throat and holding her fist to his neck "dead" she says letting go of the man and stepping back, "being strong with your punches is good but you need to be stronger on your feet" she explains.

"Try again" she says looking at the man again, he puts his hands up again and starts circling Iris keeping her body facing him, he throws a punch at her but she quickly hits it away from her, he throw another and she grabs his wrist, twisting its and holding it behind him, she twists harder making him wince in pain so she lets go, "you need to be ten steps ahead of your opponent" Iris says, she looks around and see Rick walking down the street, she lets out a loud whistle and calls out his name "Rick!" he tuns and starts walking towards her.

"Go back" she says to the man she was using a moment ago, "whats up?" Rick questions "I want to show them how to fight hand to hand and I need an opponent that knows what they're doing" Iris says, "alright" Rick says, taking his jacket off and throwing it on the floor. Iris and Rick watch each other, Iris makes the first move throwing a punch, Rick dodges it but she quickly kicks him in the side before stepping back again, Rick throws a punch and Iris grabs his fist twisting it behind his back and putting him in a chokehold, he leans forward and throws the woman over him onto the floor, "Chokeholds illegal" he says looking down at her as she lays on the floor.

She grabs onto his ankles and pulls them from under him causing him to fall on his back, she quickly stands and looks down at him "that's why the chokehold is so fun" she says laughing, holding out her hand and helping the man stand up, "pair up and show me what you've got" Iris says looking back at the group, "thank you" she says to Rick and lets him go back to what he was doing.


After working with the group for a while Iris stops the training session, she walks back to the house and sees Daryl still working on his bike, "how'd it go?" he asks "It was good" Iris says, sitting on the porch steps and watching the man work "how's the bike lookin'?" she asks "it's fixable" he says putting down his wrench and making his way over to her, sitting down on the seat next to her, she lays her head on his shoulder and looks out at the neighbourhood.

"I heard you put Rick on his ass" Daryl says wiping his hands on his bandana, "he put me on mine first" Iris admits "i wanna come with you when you go on your next run" she says "okay" he says.

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