Chapter 144.

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The Bridge.

Iris steps out of her tent, looking around at everyone, pulling her coat on as the cold air hits her skin, "morning" Juniper chirps, walking up to her sister and holding a cup of coffee out to her, "morning" Iris says, taking the cup and welcoming the warmth as it fills her stomach, she watches Rick walk towards her, "day thirty-five" he says, Iris and Rick start to walk together.

"Everything's going well" Iris says, nodding to Laura as they walk past her, they stand on top of one of the trailers, looking out at the bridge, "We're making a new beginning." Rick says, "we're making a future. The future Carl wanted" Iris says, smiling up at Rick.

Iris and Rick start walking around the camp again when Eugene walks over to them to talk to them about everything, "In regards to our makeshift levee upstream, given the current rate of spring runoff, I'd put its expiration date at another six to nine days. After that, it's slam, blam, sayonara cofferdam." Eugene says.

"How fast can we have those supports ready?" Rick questions "Well, ditto on the six to nine, but if we boost our juice and shed the lead, I think we can beat it." Eugene answers, "Good. I'll talk to the foreman, make sure we do." Rick says "Scouts got back." Rosita says, joining the three of them and walking next to Iris.

"Horatio's gonna pass us by, but it'll be close." she explains "We got a head count?" Iris asks "hundred n change" Rosita says, looking at Rick's expression change "What, you think we should push the blasting?" she asks.

"Nah. If we wait, we'll wind up drawing that other herd." Rick says, "Margaret." Rosita says "Right. And that one's five times as big." Rick says "We got the sirens in place?" Iris asks "Hell, yeah." Rosita smiles "Then we blow the rockslide. If the herd comes, we'll redirect." Iris explains.

"All right, I'll let 'em know." Rosita says walking away from them, "Anything on those walk-offs?" Rick asks "As of head count this mañana, we're down one more Saviour. That's six in the past month." Eugene explains "I'll talk to Carol about it." Rick says, "Roger that and Wilco." Eugene says, as Rick starts walking to the medical tent, Iris and Eugene follow behind.

"How's the star student doing?" Rick questions Siddiq "Ready to take on anything." Siddiq says, smiling down at Enid as she works, "Good. She's gonna get her chance. I'd like you to head back home. There's a bug going around." Rick explains.

"Okay. I'll head out with the next escort." Siddiq says "Wait. He's leaving?" Enid panics "Ow!" Cyndie says when Enid accidentally stabs her with the needle, "Sorry. Uh, it's fine. I-I've got this." Enid says, "Yeah, I know." Rick says as they start walking again.

"My final line item is foodstuffs... Or lack thereof. Alexandria is stretched wafer-slim supplyin' grub to both the camp and the Sanctuary. Meaning our wafer-slim pickins are getting wafer-slimmer by the day." Eugene explains "Yeah. Michonne's on it." Rick says.


Iris works with Daryl and Aaron as they lower the plank of wood into the gap, quickly moving their hands before they get trapped, "So, I go in after her nap and pick her up, and the diaper just explodes all over me." Aarron explains, Iris chuckles as she starts hammering nails into the floor "Sounds like good times." Daryl says.

"Oh, the best. You'll see." Aaron says, Iris keeps her focus on the floor as she continues to hammer nails into the floor, "What? You'd be a great dad." Aaron says, Daryl looks over to Iris before continuing to work "Yeah." he mumbles.

Iris stands and turns when she hears a thud, she notices Henry on the floor, the boy stands, taking his stick from his back and forcing Justin to the floor, the boy pick the water jug up and goes to walk away. She drops her hammer as she watches Justin stand up, Iris rushes over to them, standing in front of Henry as Daryl grabs Justins arm.

"Hey. Kid's just doing his job. Get back to work." Daryl says, Iris moves Henry away in case something happens, "I don't need your people telling me what to do. You're not my babysitter anymore." Justin snaps, turning and walking back to Henry and Iris.

Daryl grabs him again, ducking when Justin swings his fist at the man, Iris watches Daryl throw a punch, his fist landing in Justin's face and knocking him to the ground, Justins grabs a handful of sand and before Iris can do anything he throws it into Daryl face. Justin tackles Daryl to the ground, Iris grabs onto one of the men as they try to go for Daryl, "back up!" she orders, gripping onto his shirt and pushing him back.

"Hey! Hey! Break it up! Break it up right now!" Rick orders, pulling Justin away from Daryl "Hey! I said enough! I said enough. Enough." Rick says, blocking Daryl from getting to Justin, Iris lets go of the man and turns to Daryl, following him away from the bridge.

"You okay?" Daryl questions, looking down at Iris as they walk, "I'm fine. How are your eyes?" Iris asks, grabbing him and stopping him from walking, she holds his face and makes him look at her, "i'm fine" he mumbles, "he threw sand in your face" Iris says, inspecting his eyes.

Iris watches as Daryl paces back and forth in the tent, "So, that asshole just gets a free pass? Is that it?" he questions, looking down at Rick "It's just a few more days. I don't like it, either, but we're in a rush to get that work done. He's strong. The Saviors are over half the workforce, and we've had too many walk off already." Rick explains. "Yeah. 'Cause that's who they are. Some of them ain't ever gonna fall in line just 'cause you say so." Daryl snaps.

"Daryl's right. These people have never had to live together. And we can't expect them to just forget what's happened." Carol says "It hasn't been easy. I know. It won't be, not for a while, but it's not about forgetting. It's about moving ahead, all of us, together. We keep doing that, they'll see we're all on the same side." Rick explains "Are we, though? Are we on the same side, Rick?" Daryl questions.

"Well, you tell me." Rick says "Thing is, man, I've been tryin' to. But you don't seem to want to hear it." Daryl says, Iris watches as he turns and walks out of the tent. "Daryl!" Rick calls out but Daryl doesn't answer. "It's complicated. It's been different since Gregory, maybe since before that." Rick says to Iris and Carol.

"You should talk to him." Iris says "And say what?" Rick asks "I get what you're trying to do here, and it's the right thing. But maybe for some of them, they're just not ready for it." Carol says Rick watches as Carol walks out of the tent, Iris following after. "Thanks for keeping Henry safe" Carol says, "it's okay" Iris says, smiling to Carol before walking away. 

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