Chapter 3: Lily

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As we approached Hogwarts, the knot in my stomach tightened even more. A million thoughts ran throughout my mind.

What house will I be in? What if something really bad happens? I don't know how I feel about this. What if one of us is Reaped?


Albus was looking at me with concern.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine," I answered.

But really, what if I'm picked? I'm only a first year! It's not fair. But when have they ever been fair about it? Remember Kayla Morgan?

Everyone remembered Kayla Morgan. She was a first year, a Ravenclaw, who had been Reaped. She died after one hour in the arena. And everyone had seen it. Enchanted monitors and cameras were everywhere. To catch every minute of it and to show every minute of it. Attacked by a manticore. At least that was what I had heard, I'd never seen it. I was forbidden near the enchanted TV whenever the Hogwarts Games were on.

"We're here," Rose announced.

I had already changed into my school uniform. It was almost time for the Sorting ceremony. And after that, the Reaping.

We got off the Hogwarts Express. James walked back over to us. He, Albus, and Rose headed to the carriages. Rose placed a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck," she whispered.

I heard someone call, "Firs' years, firs' years! Over here!"

I recognized it as Hagrid from the few times he's been over at our house during some summers.

"Come on," Hugo muttered and pulled on my arm.

Hagrid smiled when he saw us, "I swear, you lot get bigger ev'ry year!"

After all the first years gathered around Hagrid, he announced, "No more than four to a boat!"

"Lily! Hugo! Over here," someone called.

I turned to see Frank and Ginny Longbottom beckoning us. Hugo and I walked over to them and got in the boat.

As the boat traveled towards the castle, Ginny asked us, "What house do you think you'll get?"

I shrugged but Hugo had an answer, "I honestly don't know, I'm fine with any. I don't know about Slytherin though. They're treated okay, but my mother's a Muggleborn and my father is a blood traitor. So I don't know how that'll work out. Albus is in Slytherin and his father is- was the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One."

"Shhhh!" Frank hissed, "They might hear you!"

"They won't. And besides, they won't care. They love to be reminded of their victory."

I was starting think that they were forgetting that that was my father they were talking about.

"What about you guys?" I asked.

Frank said, "I don't know. Maybe Gryffindor like my dad. Or Ravenclaw like my mom. It doesn't matter to me as long as Ginny's there."

Frank and Ginny Longbottom were the children of Neville and Luna Longbottom, two of my father's closest friends after Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. They were twins, but they obviously weren't identical. But they were very attached to each other. There was also their older sister, Hermione, who seemed to have a bit of Luna in her, despite her namesake.

Ginny suddenly nudged me so hard that I nearly fell off the boat. I heard her take an awed breath, "Guys... It's Hogwarts."

I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this. Maybe I expected every square inch of it to be draped with Slytherin decor. But it wasn't. It was just as Dad described when he first came here. It was magnificent.

We stepped out of the boats and Hagrid led us inside the castle. It was beautiful even on the inside. Even with the Slytherin drapery.

We were led to a stern looking witch.

"Welcome, new students of Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall. In a moment, you will step into the Great Hall and will be sorted into your four houses. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin," she hesitated before continuing, but I caught the look of hatred in her eyes, "Hufflepuff... for- for those, who- who are inferior to others, who are- weak minded. Ravenclaw- for- the, the ignorant. Gryffindor, those.... who... who blindly charge into danger, never minding the consequences. And Slytherin... for those who are strong enough- to seek power and- and greatness. And then after the Sorting, the Reaping shall begin." She said all this with a strain. I could see from the looks on the faces of the other students that they noticed it too.

We were led into the Great Hall, which was probably the most glorious yet. But the green everywhere really toned it down. Or maybe I was biased.

"First years, line up! I will place the Sorting Hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." McGonagall said.

"Anderson, Amelia!"

A small girl stepped up to the podium. McGonagall placed the hat on her head. It took a few second until the hat made its decision, "RAVENCLAW!"

There was a small, polite applause. This went on for a while and I didn't really pay attention unless I heard a familiar name.

"Creevey, Colin!"


"Dursley, Petunia!"

I'm sure it was a great shock to everyone that Uncle Dudley had a magical child. But I'm sure no one else was as shocked as the Dursleys. I wish I was there to see their faces.

And the hat made its decision, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Oh, the irony.

"Finnigan, Clara!"


I was beginning to really panic about when I would be sorted.

"Longbotton, Ginerva!"

Now I was really paying attention. I looked over and saw Frank deathly pale.


I heard a Death Eater cackle wickedly.

"Longbottom, Frank!"


We were nearing the letter P...

"Macmillan, Henry!"

Nearly there...

"Nott, Jonathan!"


Just a few more names...

And then-

"Potter, Lily!"

I swear, everyone started staring at me. Everyone. I'm not exaggerating. I saw Albus, who seemed on the verge of hyperventilation, and James, who smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

I managed to get to the podium without tripping. The hat was placed on my head.

Another Potter, I see. Just as difficult as your brothers. Plenty of bravery, an open mind, a hunger for power, and there is determination and kindness inside you. Do you have any preferences?

I thought, I don't know. Except...

A bias against Slytherin? Your brother is one, the hat said.

I know that. Whatever you think would be best, then.

I know just where to put you...

And the Sorting Hat made its final decision.

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