Chapter 39: Lily

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We sat in a stunned silence.

"I'm so sorry," Scorpius whispered again, tears trailing down his pale face. "I'm so sorry."

"You—" Ginny began with an unsteady voice, "You— You killed my sister."


"YOU KILLED MY SISTER! YOU KILLED MY COUSIN! YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS!" Ginny shouted at him, "AFTER ALL THIS TIME? WE SAVED YOU, HELPED YOU, WE WERE MORE THAN JUST ALLIES! WE WERE FRIENDS TO YOU! After all this time, did you ever feel a single bit of regret as you turned on us?"

"My family—"


"Wait, Ginny," I placed a hand on her shoulder, "Let him talk."

She looked at me incredulously, "Are you for real? He killed your brother!"

I fought the hard lump in my throat and said, "That was technically Goyle. And maybe we should hear his side of the story."

Ginny replied, "I say we kill him."

"Let's hear him out," Albus told her gently, "And then we'll think about what to do with him."

"Well?" Hugo raised an eyebrow at Scorpius.

Scorpius took a deep breath and began, "My family has never been on the best terms with the Dark Lord. And obviously, he's not fond of your families either. So when I was Reaped, he offered me a choice. He said that if I could kill off you guys, my family would live. If I didn't, they'd die. We were under constant surveillance. That's why he didn't kill your parents all those years ago. He thought this'd be better, to have them suffer before he does kill them."

He stopped for a minute before continuing, "I thought that it was a decent deal, not bad and secretly teamed with Goyle. I thought, 'Well, Dad was never a friend of theirs, so, it'll be easy enough.' That's what I'd counted on. I never thought about the possibility that I could've been friends with the people I was meant to kill. Allies, sure. But not friends. As the days went on, I found that, to my horror, I had found it agonizingly painful to turn on you like this. I realized that I yearned to be loyal to you. I didn't want to be, really. I wanted for us to be enemies, but then, deep inside, I didn't because I had found people I loved to be with. It hurt to sneak off and tell Goyle everything, it really did. Molly always showed me kindness and I regretted her death. I couldn't help but miss Colin. I felt horrible as I watched James's love pass away and then see him go the same way."

I couldn't look at him and starred at the ground beneath him instead.

"'It's for my family' I'd always told myself when I hesitated." His voice was shaking with emotion. I saw droplets splatter to the ground and when I looked up, I saw that he was crying. "But you guys seemed to break through my defenses. I never thought I'd make friends and be accepted in the Games. And most definitely, I never thought that it'd be you guys. And now that my family is safe, I can finally tell you without any harm coming to my family."

He covered his tear stained face with his hands. They muffled his words but they couldn't muffle his loud cries.

I looked over at Ginny and saw her struggling to maintain her angry fierce exterior. "What do we do?"

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