Chapter 5: Albus

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"Albus Severus Potter."

I wish I could say that they were referring to a totally different Albus Severus Potter. But I was the only one.

My surname "Potter" really caught attention. Every head turned in my direction. I caught snippets of conversation.

"A Potter. Harry Potter's son?"

"They must've rigged it-"

"First the Longbottoms, then the Weasleys, now a Potter. Everyone knew it was inevitable."

Don't cry, don't panic. Show no signs of weakness. You are the Chosen One's son. Remember what Mum said? She said to be strong. Another part of his mind cut in, She also said to be safe, though, and that's not happening.

I stood tall and tried not to show any emotion whatsoever. But I was really freaking out inside. I have no chance of winning the Hogwarts Games whatsoever.

"Does anyone care to sacrifice them self for the Potter boy? Anyone care to jump in for him like his weak father?"

"My father wasn't weak," I said angrily.

There was a tense silence.

Voldemort commanded, "Come here."

I slowly walked towards him.

"Your father was the weakest person I've ever met. Boy Who Lived? He is no hero. He was just a shallow, stupid boy who's luck would run out eventually. He is the reason why your grandparents, your uncle, everyone is dead. And he was the first to surrender."

I couldn't say anything back. I was in shock.

"Now, let us continue with the Reaping. Any volunteers?"

No one from the Slytherin table stood up to take my place.


Every head turned towards the source of the noise. The Gryffindor table. James stood on top of the table, making quite a scene. He jumped off and rushed towards me, "I volunteer in place of Albus."

Voldemort laughed, "You Potters never learn, do you? You are from different houses, there is no way, under any circumstances, could you possibly volunteer for him.

Voldemort turned to walk back towards the podium when James reached out and grabbed his arm. There was a sharp intake of breath. Voldemort looked down at James' arm, "You dare touch me, the Dark Lord? You are braver than I'd assume, Potter. Or you're just very, very foolish."

James didn't care, "Please, please. Let me take his place. We're both Potters. And it doesn't matter to you, does it? You just wanna see one die."

Voldemort smiled manically, "That is correct."

"Please, I'm begging you. I'll take his place. I- I volunteer as tribute." There was pure desperation in his eyes.

"No. You are in different houses. And so I cannot allow it. Besides, this is quite amusing."


"I will not hesitate to kill you on the spot."

I had had it, "James, stop."

He let go and returned to his table. I wonder how Lily reacted to that whole scene. I looked over at her and saw her shielding her face. Probably because she didn't want me to see her cry.

I moved to the tribute table and sat next to Hugo and Ginny.

Hugo smiled half-heartedly and tried to lighten the mood, "Welcome to the club."

I returned my attention to the Reaping.

"Now on to the female Gryffindor tributes."

I paid close attention because I had quite a lot of relatives and friends in Gryffindor.

"Bailey Emily Marcus."

Okay, no Weasleys, no Longbottoms, no one I knew. And no volunteers.

"Jocelyn Lewis."

Again, no one I knew and no volunteers.

Almost there.

"Mackenzie Carthyite."

Yes! No one I knew! Wait, no, that came out wrong. I couldn't help but feel guilty as they dragged the screaming third year from the table.

And now the male Gryffindors. Again, I had a lot of close ones in Gryffindor.

"Colin Creevey."

I felt really bad. My father told me about Colin Creevey. Dennis Creevey lost his brother, and now he's going to loose his son. Someone please volunteer. There were none.

"Alexander Sebastian Page."

I heard a girl sob. Death Eaters moved towards the Gryffindor table. I saw a girl run to the table as well. She clutched a small boy's arm. She refused to let go and pleaded, "PLEASE! HE'S JUST A BOY! HAVE MERCY!"


The girl's screams echoed around the Great Hall. It was absolutely horrifying. But Voldemort didn't care.

"Any volunteers?"

The girl looked around desperately.

"I volunteer."

A large seventh year boy stepped forward, "Adam Xavier Goyle."

Voldemort grinned, "The son of a Death Eater! You hear that, Goyle?"

One of the Death Eaters whooped.

The girl rushed to Goyle. She clutched his robes tightly in her hands, "Thank you, thank you!"

Goyle scowled at her, "I'm not volunteering for your stupid brother, you blithering idiot. I volunteer in the name of glory."

The girl looked as if she had been slapped.

Goyle strutted to the tribute table, as if he were above everyone. He sneered at Scorpious and made a very rude hand gesture in his direction.

There was one more Gryffindor named to be Reaped. The goblet spit out the last Gryffindor tribute's name. And I realized, I would have to fight against him. Against everyone at this table. Because only one survives. I can't deal with having to go against Ginny or Hugo. If I have to fight against another person I cared about, well, I don't know what I'll do. Cry? Maybe?

Voldemort read the name, "James Sirius Potter."

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