Chapter 33: Lily

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"Wake up! Lily! WAKE UP!" Someone yelled, obviously panic stricken. James.

I sat up quickly, "What?"

"Let's go! We've got to go now, no time!" James said, "Come on, before it's too late!"

"What are you talking about? Before wh—"

And then I heard it. The crazed barking of wild dogs. Judging from the sound of leaves crunching rapidly, they were nearing fast.

I quickly jumped to my feet and threw a bag over my shoulder.

"Everyone ready?" Albus said.

We all replied with a firm "yes."

And we were off. Our feet pounded fast and steady on the forest ground. The sound of wild barking and growling still followed us. Yet, we didn't stop. We ran even when Hugo tripped and Scorpius had to help him up. We ran even when Ginny stopped for a second to gasp for breath. We ran until we couldn't anymore. We only stopped when the strongest of us dropped to their knees. And then we climbed a tree.

"Albus! Help me!" I cried as my foot slipped.

He reacted quickly, his hand catching mine. He pulled me up on to his branch. Once we were all in the tree we pulled out our wands and weapons.

The mutts appeared into the clearing, gathering menacingly beneath the tree. They looked like wolves, their fur differing in color. They began to climb the tree.

"Avada Kedavra!" Scorpius cried.

To our horror, the spell rebounded and narrowly hit Scorpius.

Hugo screamed, "Spells have no impact on them!"

"Everything has a weakness!" Hermione shouted, "So we have to find their's!"


"I'm still working on it!"

"What do we do if our spells don't work?" Albus said.

"Use the Muggle weapons!" James cried.

The first one to reach us received a stab in the front legs by Scorpius, who was wielding a sword. Then the second, the third, and then they were everywhere. Something tugged on my arm and I noticed that one had bitten me. I turned around to attack it when I realized something. There was something familiar about it. It finally dawned upon me. Those looked a lot like Colin's—

"Their eyes!" Hermione yelled in horror as I whirled in time to see her battle one whose dark brown eyes matched Molly's.

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