Chapter 29: Albus

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Breakfast of plain bread felt like trying to swallow cardboard that morning. I could tell the others weren't doing any better. After breakfast, we put the plan into action.

I tried not to run after them as Colin, Hermione, and James disappeared into the trees. I tried not to think about how it could be the last time I ever saw them.

"Come on," Scorpius waved me over, "We gotta go before they set the fires.

"Why are we going if we're coming back here anyway to ambush them?" Ginny asked.

"It'll decrease their chances of finding us."

We grudgingly gathered the belongings and trudged off. I didn't like how little progress we seemed to be making. It felt like we had only walked a few meters when I saw smile rising over the trees.

"Let's go! Faster!" I whisper shouted.

We ran, trying not to make any sound, in which we weren't succeeding. It slowed back down to a walk.

"Here!" Hugo said after twenty minutes, when we had covered a good distance, "We'll hide the belongings here!"

The backpacks and spare food were propped against the roots of a thick tree. We grabbed the necessities and weapons. Then, with one last hesitant glance back at our possessions, we walked back to where the third fire would be set. Just over the treetops, the smoke of a second fire billowed.

Scorpius watched it, "Now, we only have to wait for the third fire, then James and Hermione will shoot the red sp—"

"What?" I asked, wondering what had made his sentence cut off. Lily gave a little squeal and pointed at the sky, towards where the smoke was. I looked.

There were red sparks.

"But— the third fire!"

Something had gone wrong.

And to confirm it, I heard someone screaming.


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