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I held the furs around me as I watched the three dragons scuffle on the ground floor. My heart almost leapt out of my chest when I saw Ivret jumping from the fourth floor, yet he landed effortlessly.

It was again a reminder of how strong these dragons were and of all the things they were capable of.

I'd been trying to tell Ivret that the bleeding between my legs wasn't because of Radrox. The blood was because I got my periods, but then I stopped and wondered if these dragons even knew what a period was.

Judging by how Ivret reacted as soon as he saw blood between my legs, I concluded that dragon ladies didn't get periods. But then, what kind of thing did they have? I wondered. I'd figure it out later, but at this moment, I needed to think of a way to stop them from fighting.

I could go down and stop them from fighting, but I doubted if that would be effective. I was sure they wouldn't listen to me. Ivret hadn't listened to me and jumped from the fourth floor.

And Ivret seemed to be the calmest of them all.

Yeah, talking to them wouldn't get me anywhere.

Then what could I do? I wondered as I clutched the furs closer to my body. I didn't have my clothes yet, and the furs were the only thing I could drape around me. While I stood there and watched the scuffle on the ground floor, an intense wave of pain hit me.

I winced and leaned against the nearby wall. My periods were irregular, but when I got them, they were worse. It was after months that I got my period, and I could already imagine the horror I'd have to face for the next ten bloody days.

On top of that, I also needed to deal with these dragons. I felt overwhelmed thinking about these things. However, the dragons weren't my problem. I still couldn't remember where I'd kept the servers or what happened to Myra.

While I was still deep in my thoughts, another wave of pain hit me, this time extending to my legs and upper abdomen. I crouched on the floor because I couldn't take it. It was as if someone was stabbing my stomach and sprinkling salt over it simultaneously.

My periods had always been an issue for me. I'd often pass out due to the pain or feel nauseous. This was just the beginning. I groaned and tried to get up. I needed to return to my room because I feared I'd pass out here.

I somehow managed to find my way to the guard's room and plopped down on the cot, breathing hard. Sweat had started to break out all over my body, and I was beginning to feel hot as an intense wave of pain gradually built up to torment me.

I groaned and laid down on the cot, feeling the cramps grow worse and worse every second.

"I want to see her!" I heard Zorge's demanding voice echo outside in the corridors, making me groan even more. Usually, I liked to be left alone in times like these, but these dragons wouldn't listen to me. No. I was sure they would be stuck like leeches to me.

I groaned as Zorge and Ivret entered the room, both looking lethal.

"Arika!" Ivret gasped when he saw me. "She has gotten worse." He was beside me instantly, taking my hand in his. A sense of calm washed over me instantly, and I realized that he was trying to heal me. I shifted closer to him, seeking more of the relief he provided me.

Fuck, if Ivret somehow healed my period problems, I'd show him a good time. I'd give him anything he asked for. He'd been such a sweetheart. I was starting to love his cluelessness.

"I want to see what he did to her," Zorge demanded, sounding enraged, but his face showed disappointment. I realized that he was disappointed with Radrox.

Again, I wanted to tell them that Radrox wasn't the one responsible for my bleeding, but judging by the looks on their faces, I knew that my words would fall on deaf ears.

However, I stared at Zorge briefly, wondering if he could read my mind. I'd been wary of him ever since Ivret told me about Zorge's powers. If Zorge could read my mind, he'd have known it had nothing to do with Radrox.

"I'm alight," I managed to mutter, clinging to Ivret's arm for more relief. I studied Zorge's reaction closely to see if he could read my mind.

"I want to see what my brother did," Zorge growled.

"He did nothing," I said, but my words went ignored entirely.

"She's bleeding from the slit between the legs," Ivret spoke, and I clenched my thighs at Ivret's words.

"Let me see your wound, Arika," Zogre demanded, sitting on the side of the cot.

"I'm alight," I told him and was instantly hit with the most intense wave of pain, making me whimper helplessly.

"She's in a lot of pain. I can sense it," Zorge said, sounding tortured.

"You can?" Ivret asked, sounding surprised. "I've been trying to extend my powers to her, but she keeps blocking me out. I can't help her much," Ivret sounded troubled, but his words were a new revelation. It pinched my heart to hear the self-loathing in Ivret's voice. He seemed disappointed in himself for not being able to heal me.

Oh, my Ivy...

"I can feel some of it but not all. She has the shield around her," Zorge frowned. It meant that Zorge couldn't probably read my mind. It made me loosen up a bit. "Let me see it, Arika. I want to know what my brother did. I want to punish him," Zorge pressed.

"Yes, let him see what Radrox did to you," Ivret growled, and suddenly, a realization hit me like a fright train. Usually, Zorge and Ivret opposed each other, but this time, they seemed to be united together and that too against Radrox— the only dragon who could see through my bullshit.

Suddenly, I got a devilish idea.

"Alright," I whispered as I let the furs drop around from me and spread my legs for Zorge to see my period blood.


What do you think Arika's idea is?

Shit is about to go down with Radrox but don't worry Arika would pay for this larger ;)

Read up to chapter 77 on Patreon along with daily updates. The link is in my bio.

Thanks for reading <3

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