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"It's not like you're going to do anything about it," Arika challenged. I wanted to laugh in her face. If only she could read my mind, she'd know. If she could read my mind, she'd know how much I craved her despite the wound she gave me. I was sick with the need for her, and I refused to suffer alone.

I wanted her to suffer in this as well.

"If that's what you think, then I'm more than willing to prove you wrong," I told her darkly and instantly. The musk of her arousal thickened in the air, making my mouth water. More than anything, I wanted to part her legs and bury my face in her cunt and spend the rest of my night there. That was what I did when I took her to my dungeon first.

Even though she'd marred my honour after that night, I couldn't forget the pleasure of teasing her and exploring her folds. I still remember how her pussy clenched around my tongue as I lapped deep into her, greedy for every drop of her.

I clenched my jaw and tried to get rid of those carnal memories. They were distracting me from the present. I was here to teach her a lesson, not to pleasure her. I wanted her to suffer, I reminded myself.

With much self-restraint, I rose from the bed and started undoing my clothes. I wanted her to see fully what she was losing. I wanted her to see everything... even my scars. They were markings of the dangers I had survived. She was nothing in comparison... or was she?

I kept a clear mind as I focused on removing my clothes. I already felt her eyeing me from where she was tied to the bedpost, kneeling on the floor. The hunger in her eyes threatened to devour my resolve, but I reminded myself why I was doing this.

"But before we begin, I'd like to remind you that I owe you nothing until you submit to me, Arika," I told her before I pulled my cock out for her to see. I hadn't given her the privilege to see it earlier. She didn't earn it, but it was necessary now.

I wanted her to see what she possessed yet couldn't have. I wanted her to see what she risked not getting each day she didn't submit to me.

Just like I wanted, her eyes were immediately drawn to my throbbing cock. Feeling her hot and hungry gaze on it, I couldn't help but stroke my hardness, trying my best to ignore how tight and heavy my sac felt because of my seed. I was usually good at being in control, but I was so close to spilling all my seed at the moment. However, there was no way I'd let her know that.

I focused more on her instead of my own burning need. I didn't miss how her eyes widened and darkened as she stared at me while I stroked my cock. Her cheeks flushed deep red, and her breaths came out heaving. Seeing her react to my cock so heatedly was making me crazier.

She could lie as much as she wanted, but she could never hide the desire she felt for me. I knew she also burnt for me, yet she wouldn't submit to me. She wouldn't give herself to me despite craving me. Instead, she kept denying me, hurting me and even ran away. Remembering these things only fuelled my need for her.

Why was she so determined not to be mine? Was it because I was merely a red dragon?

"Radrox," Arika drew out my name slowly and darkly. She sounded like she didn't trust herself, and I needed that. I needed to break her resolve and make her give into the bond already. I wanted to claim her in every way possible. I wanted to give her my knot and fuck her until every corner of her womb was tucked with my seed.

The thought of filling her with my seed made me leak instantly. I didn't miss how she hungrily traced the single drop of my pre-cum as it ran down the side of my throbbing cock.

"Do you want this, pet?" I asked, continuing to stroke myself while doing my best not to explode. The skin at the base of my cock was tingling, signalling that my knot was about to inflate. "You know what you have to do if you want this," I told her when she didn't answer. I got her answer from the way she stared at my member and how she licked her lips as if she couldn't wait to have a taste of me.

"Isn't there any other option?" She asked, her voice was strained. Good. I wanted her to give in. I wanted her to submit. It was the only way I could ever properly mate with her. I needed to know that she was in this for the whole thing, not just for fucking. I wanted her in every way.

"No other option," I told her grimly, going slow with my strokes to let the beads of pre-cum collect on the tip of my cock. She bit her lower lip, a look of consideration in her eyes. I could see that she was warring with herself in her head, and this made me wonder even more why she refused to submit to me even though she was burning with need for me.

"Fuck it," She hissed suddenly and reached for my cock, but before she could touch me, I grabbed her face and forced her to look up at me.

"Do you submit to your red master?" I demanded as her eyes burned into me.

"Yes," She breathed, but her answer didn't feel right to me.

"I didn't hear you,"

"Yes," She hissed. "I submit to you, master,"

I cocked an eyebrow at her. I knew she didn't mean what she said. I wanted to roar with frustration and anger at her but chose another path. Why should I suffer alone in this?

"Open your mouth," I commanded, and her eyes widened. "I said, open your mouth, pet!" I growled, and it took her a moment before she hesitantly opened her mouth to me. She needed to be taught a lesson. She needed to learn the pain and frustration she put me through.

As soon as she opened her mouth, I shoved her length into it. She tensed and gagged for a second before accepting my cock in her mouth. Though I didn't wait for her. I grabbed her hair and started fucking her mouth without a stop, letting her know that it belonged to me and that I could do whatever I wanted with me.

Arika grabbed onto my hips as I thrust into her mouth, trying to push deeper and deeper each time. It took me immense control not to burst into her mouth immediately. I was surprised to find how easily I could push deeper and deeper until the tip of my cock was practically in her throat.

"Fuck," I groaned as she moved her tongue on the underside of my cock, making me feel more sensitive on the edge than she had the right to. I growled because I couldn't stop my orgasm anymore. However, she wasn't going to get any of it.

I ripped my cock out of her mouth while she waited for me with heavy eyelids, but I never gave it to her. I turned away as I came, jutting ropes of my thick, hot seed. I was determined not to give her a single drop of my cum.

She made a noise of disbelief and frustration when she realised what I'd done.

"You..." she hissed at me, looking pissed and hurt at the same time. Good.

"Remember," I growled, stuffing my still-hard cock into my pants. I didn't miss how her gaze followed every single action of mine. The hungry look on her face soon turned into intense hurt when she realised I wouldn't be giving her anymore. "I promised you nothing until you fully submitted to me," 


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