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"W-what's the punishment going to be? Are you guys going to lock me up?" Arika asked. Her eyes were wide, and she had a hint of panic in her voice.

I clenched and unclenched my fists to hold back my turmoil. We'd been searching for her desperately for the past week, and finally, she was back with us. I'd missed her terribly even though she had hurt us by running away.

I was glad that she was here, but... things felt different. I still remember how she made those promises to me only to run away. Maybe it was a human thing to break promises because we dragons always kept our promises.

"You must pay for the failed deal first. That's the most important." Radrox answered her.

I couldn't care less about the computers. I wanted to know why she did what she did and if everything she'd done and said was fake. But for the time being, I let Radrox speak because I was afraid my inner turmoil was clouding my rationale too much.

"I can give you my ship—" Arika began to offer.

"We know what we want," Radrox growled, and Arika's hand went straight to her collar as realisation sunk in.

"You're our pet now," I growled.

No matter what had happened, she was ours now. Our pet. She wouldn't be getting away from us anymore. Ever since I laid eyes on her, I'd been burning to claim her, and finally, I'd be able to do so... and then, I'll confront her about it.

She owed me answers—a lot of them.

Arika's face paled at my words.

"What?" She asked in disbelief.

"You are our pet now," Radrox growled.

"No..." she whispered, looking increasingly ghastly with every passing second. "You can't do that. You can't own me like that..."

"But we do now," I said, staring hard at her. "You already wear our collar and look like a pet. It's time you start behaving like one,"

"No!" Arika hissed, trying to get away from us, which made my dragon mad. He wanted to claim her already and tell her that there was no place for her to run because she was ours now. No matter where she goes, we'll always find her, take her back and remind her that she is ours.

"Yes," Radrox growled. "There's no other way you can pay for what you did, and even if you could, this is the only thing we'll accept,"

Arika shook her head, still in disbelief.

"This is not right... you're asking me to..." she lost her words as she looked at me incredulously. I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"We've every right to do so," I told her cooly.

"You can't own a person," Arika said.

"We can. You're on Drakkon territory, and you'll be subjected to the laws that we follow here. There's nothing you can do. And don't even think about running," I warned her darkly, and she gulped hard, looking away.

"You don't have any choice anymore, pet," Radrox told her, earning a burning glare from her. The defiance in her eyes was thick, but that was alright. It was a great challenge I would gladly conquer.

"Don't call me that," Arika hissed.

"You aren't allowed to talk back to your masters," I told her calmly, earning another glare from her. My hands ached to touch her, to show her what she'd done to me and what I was planning to do to her.

"She needs to be taught how to obey and serve her new masters first," Radrox said darkly, but Arika shook her head, still not wanting to believe anything.

"Then let her first listen be about obedience," I said.

"You'll never be able to force this on me," Arika hissed. Her eyes were filled with wrath. This made my dragon stir. He wanted to claim this fiery female already. The more she resisted, the more eager he got.

"We won't force you," Radrox said. "You'll be the one who accepts this in a matter of time. What other choice do you think you have?"

Fear flashed in Arika's eyes for a split second, but it was gone instantly.

"What if I resist this?" Arika dared to question. "What if I ran away again?"

"If you want to run, we'll let you run, but always remember the consequences when you are caught," I reminded her, and she shivered visibly. It seemed we had dampened some of her fighting spirit, but knowing the kind of female Arika was, I doubted it'd be easy to conquer her.

I expected her to put up some more fight, and I was also prepared for it. No. I was looking forward to her resisting this and fighting this so that I could show her how she really belonged to us in more ways.

"No matter where you go, we'll always find you. Remember that, pet," Radrox said, and Arika glowered at her.

"Stop calling me that, and get this thing off me!" She hissed, tugging at that collar helplessly, but it wouldn't come off no matter how hard she tried because it was an enchanted collar.

"That's never going to happen," I told her grimly. She glared at me, but that was all she could do. It didn't matter. She would accept this soon.

"You talked about honour, and now you want to keep me as your sex slave?" Arika hissed at us, and this took us back. I exchanged a look with Radrox, who looked equally confused and offended.

"What did you just say?" Radrox growled.

"You want me as a sex slave," Arika shot back.

"Is that what humans do with their pets?" I asked, and she looked dumbfounded for a second before looking offended.

"Don't compare us to humans. We are better and fairer than them," Radrox said, and Arika's glare hardened. Glaring at her master while wearing a collar....she'd make an interesting pet. "Being a pet is to serve the masters,"

"Sounds like slavery," Arika shot.

"And the masters take care of the pet, but things might be a little different in your case. You can guess why," Radrox said darkly, and Arika drew a sharp breath.

"I'm not doing this," she said, still in disbelief.

"You don't have any choice," I reminded her again. For a second, her eyes looked glassy, but she blinked away.

"I'm going to give you more trouble than you'd be able to handle," she promised darkly.

"We'll see about that, pet," Radrox gritted. "It's time for your first lesson, and since I found her first, I get to teach her the first lesson."

I wanted to argue with him that I was technically the one who found Arika first, but I let this go. After what she did to my brother, he deserved this.

"It'll be my turn next," I promised her darkly before leaving my brother's dungeon. Ivret walked out with me. He'd been silent ever since she'd left, which bothered me. Usually, I couldn't care less about him, but seeing him like this unsettled me. I preferred Ivret to be annoyed and angry at me all the time. It made me feel normal, but I wasn't feeling normal due to his strange silence.

"Wanna play Cossar?" I asked before he could walk away. He stopped and stared at me blankly for a second. I was expecting a no from him because it was his usual answer to this question of mine.

"Meet me at my study," He muttered after a pause and walked away.


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