I peered out of the truck's window, fuming because I was sitting at the back while Zorge got to sit beside Arika in the front. After Zorge almost ran me over with the truck, we agreed that Arika should drive, but Zorge claimed the front seat before I could say anything.
I'd get back to him later, but for now, I focused on the tall buildings built by the humans and the other creatures that lived in the south. I'd never been this deep into any southern territory, so everything was new to me.
I was somewhat disappointed that almost all the buildings looked the same, and none seemed to float in the air. What kind of architecture was this? However, I didn't have to wonder about this for long.
All the buildings here looked odd because they didn't have magic like we did. Nonetheless, I was still fascinated by everything around us, and for a second, I forgot why we were there.
"There's a big hospital around the city square. I usually get tested for STDs from there. They always give accurate results," Arika continued to speak from the front seat while driving. Arika was in a chatty mood. She continued telling us about everything around us, but I was too overwhelmed to process what she was saying.
"What is an STD?" Zorge asked.
"Susceptibility to dicks," Arika muttered. "It's a disease,"
"What kind of a disease is that?" Zorge frowned. I started paying attention as they talked about the disease. It attracted my curiosity naturally.
"It's a deadly disease. Kills a lot of people every year," Arika said.
"I didn't know dicks could kill people," Zorge said mindlessly.
"They do," Arika said, amused, "But yeah, we're going to that Hospital. It's really good. I'm sure they'll be able to figure out why I keep bleeding from between my legs," Arika said.
"So you know this place well?" Zorge asked. There was an edge to his voice. I knew he was wary about the chances of Arika running away, though I doubted she'd do something like that.
"Not that much. I'm more used to the sea. I hardly come here because I have a bounty on my he— anyway. Yeah, I'm not a regular here, but I know the Hospital," Arika's answer seemed strange. Zorge cast me a look over his shoulder to ensure I'd notice the same. Arika shifted uncomfortably in her seat, looking increasingly tense every second.
"Okay," Zorge replied. A brief, tense silence drenched the truck. Zorge cast me another look over his shoulder. I knew what he was thinking, and no matter how much I tried, doubt started to creep into my head slowly.
We needed to be careful with Arika.
"How far is this hospital?" I asked her.
"We're almost there. You can see the head of the building from here. We're just a couple of blocks away," Arika said, and I couldn't help but notice that something felt amiss about her. I didn't know what it was, but it had my instincts on overdrive.
Zorge fell unnaturally quiet in the front seat, and I wondered why. Did he sense something in her? I wanted to ask him but couldn't because Arika was beside him.
"We're here!" Arika announced after a couple more turns. She parked the truck where more strange vehicles were parked and exited her seat.
"Wait, I wanna know something before we step in there. I'm trying not to get into more trouble by showing up with two dragons to a hospital," Arika said as soon as we got out of the truck.
"We're wearing enchantments. They wouldn't know we are dragons," I told her. She looked confused for a second before she saw our reflection on the truck's windows. She gasped.
In the reflection, Zorge and I didn't have any horns or scales. We looked like normal human males. This made me feel uncomfortable and ugly. I preferred to have my horns and scales.
"Wait, how? I can still see your horns and scales," she told me, more confused than ever. This made me stop and think for a second. I hadn't paid attention to this before. Zorge and I exchanged another look.
"Something to do with her barriers, probably. We'll figure it out later, but we must go now. I wish to return to the Gallow before the storm gets worse," Zorge grunted, echoing my thoughts. We exchanged another look between ourselves.
"Give me the keys, Arika," Zorge demanded. Arika pouted and handed them to him. It eased my doubt a bit, but there was this lingering sense of doom I couldn't ignore.
"Alright. Let's get me treated," Arika chirped, sounding slightly excited. I tried not to read too much into it. I'd be excited to get treated, too, if I were bleeding between my legs nonstop.
"So we go in there and demand to see as healer?" I asked, curious about the tall building called the Hospital.
"Ok, wait. First, lemme check which way the OBGYN department is," she said, stopping before a sign in the parking lot and reading the letters. I recognised the human letters there, but most words didn't make sense.
Cardiology...Coronary Care...Critical Care...Dermatology...Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology)...Emergency Department...Endoscopy...ENT.......Gastroenterology.....General Surgery...Intensive Care Unit (ICU)...Medical Records...Neurology...Obstetrics and Gynecology
"We need to enter from gate number three and take the lift to the fifth floor," Arika announced after a while. Meanwhile, I was still busy reading the list, which intrigued me more the more I read it.
"Okay," Zorge said, holding Arika's hand. "Let's go then," He cast me a look. I held Arika's other hand, and we headed towards gate number three. While I held Arika's hand, I tried to access her energy to check how she was feeling, but I was disappointed again when I felt absolutely nothing.
I felt Arika tensing up at our touch. Zorge cast another look to let me know he'd noticed the same thing. We entered the building and entered a small room called a lift that went to the third floor.
When the doors opened, we were welcomed by a huge and beautiful painting of a pregnant human woman. In the background, I heard a few cries of babies.
"Where are we?" I asked Arika.
"Obstetrics and Gynecology department. They specialise specifically in women's health," Arika said. "There's the reception. We should talk there first. They'll let us know if a doctor is available to see me," I couldn't help but notice how nervous she sounded suddenly.
"Alright. I'll talk to the female there," Zorge announced before heading towards the female behind a counter. I held Arika, meanwhile.
"Good morning, sir. How may I help you?" The female at the reception asked.
"I wish to see a healer. My mate is bleeding between her legs," Zorge announced.
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A Pet for the Dragons
Storie d'amore❝Three dragons and their naughty little pet.❞ There's a rule in piracy - never fuck with the Dragons because they burn you alive. Literally. I'm not a fan of following rules, especially when the Dragons' hoarding obsession makes them the wealthiest...