After showing her to her room, I wasn't in the mood to see Arika. However, I couldn't stop thinking about going to her bedroom and ending what we had started. After she left and the time we spent anxiously looking around for her, my dragon wanted to be close to her to ensure she wouldn't go anywhere again.
My dragon was desperate to mark her and ultimately complete the bond, but I couldn't do that yet. We were still unsure how she'd react to our venom from her marking bite, and we were still uncertain about her.
I was still furious at her, and it would take me forever to trust her entirely, but still, the fire that burned in me for her was inextinguishable. Arika was synonymous with danger, and I loved danger.
Arika was the kind of female to lodge a knife in my heart. This should've made me more cautious of her, but no. It made me want to be with her more, to explore her more and see every part of her. It was almost sickening how obsessed I was with them female... a human female.
I was frustrated with myself for this. It made me wonder if my obsession arose from the fact that Arika was the only female who dared to kiss me and let me touch her. No dragon lady would even give me a second look, especially because of the scar. And what did that human woman do? She kissed my ugly scar.
I almost shuddered with pleasure remembering it. It was a life-altering moment for me. I'd never experienced anything like that before, and I doubted any other female could make me feel that way.
And this was why I hated Arika more. She marred my image with her lies and ruined me and my dragon forever with her kisses. I was afraid I'd start to overlook her deadly flaws and fall deeper into her trap if I stayed around her longer. I was worried that I'd begin to tolerate more of her shit so that I could have more of those burning moments with her.
If she wanted to lodge a knife in my heart, I'd even allow that as long as she let me fuck her and knot her. The thought made me groan, mainly because it immediately made me hard for her. And I was supposed to see her today and prepare her for the journey.
If I showed up hard, I was afraid I'd lose my calm and end up knotting in her altogether. I needed to take care of my fire before talking to her.
So I spent quite some time in my dungeon, draining my knot, palming my cock mercilessly to ensure there wasn't any seed left in my balls or my knot. I finally went to see Arika after sating my fire, but it was only a temporary solution.
She'd been given a room on the third of the east tower. It was the farthest from all of our rooms. It was only a temporary room for her because of the situation.
We wanted her close but not too close that someone made a stupid decision that further complicated the situation. Before the Cardinal House summons, we planned to give the whole Northern Tower to her.
It was roomy enough and had all the facilities. Before we got the castle, a Baron used to live here with his family, and the Baroness occupied the northern tower. It still had all the designs and furniture from the previous family, and we were planning to add more on top of that.
A dragon's wealth and status were often determined by how they treated their bonds. Hence, it became our duty to provide the best for Arika, or it'd be disgraceful. Dragons often lose their bonds for not treating them right.
Naturally, we had to ensure the same in Arika's case, which made me more furious. Why did she had to lie and run? It would've been easier if she hadn't lied or run away. All she'd had to do was tell us the truth from the beginning, but she chose a different path.
After all, she was a human and a pirate. They truthfully said old habits died hard. I shouldn't hold this over her too much.
I collected all the patience I had in me when I finally reached Arika's door. I need to keep my mind clear while dealing with her, or things could worsen between us. She was ours now. Even though she did terrible stuff in the past, I didn't want to hold it over her for long. Arika did what she had to do because she thought she was in danger.
After staying away from her for a couple of days, I considered her perspective, too. But she didn't have to know this yet.
The moment I opened her bedroom door, I knew something was wrong.
Arika wasn't in the room, the bathroom or the closet. Panic seeped inside me. It was the same kind of panic I'd felt when I learned that she had run away. However, this panic was followed by intense rage when realisation finally hit me.
Arika ran away. Again.
I clenched my fists, wanting to punch a hole in the walls, but kept calm. After noticing that none of us had visited her in the past couple of days, she might've made a run for it, but she wouldn't have been able to go anywhere.
Ivret had cast a Level forty-nine enchantment on the whole castle. It was a complex spell, and it would have alerted him the moment she tried to leave the castle, not that she'd have been successful if she had even tried that in the first place. There was no way for her to leave this castle other than magic.
Only a high-level magic dragon like us could tamper with the magic and get in and out of the castle without leaving a clue. Arika was human. I didn't feel any magic in her, but there was indeed plenty of fire in her blood.
This cleared one thing— she was somewhere inside the castle. I looked around the room, and everything looked in place. Maybe she just got bored and went out for a stroll? I'd do that myself if I were locked in a room for days on end and didn't get to see or talk to anyone.
Giving Arika some benefit of the doubt, I started looking for her. I found a faint trail of her scent going down to the first floor, and followed it there. The scent trail got fresher and more potent as I headed towards the ground floor.
My feet grew faster as her scent carried me to one of the hidden doors of the castle. This made me panic again, but I kept my stormy thoughts at bay. Whatever the situation may have been, I didn't want to overreact or scare her more. My scar did plenty of that. I needed to deal with it level headedly.
I kept calm and prepared myself to find Arika trying to break the door as I turned towards the dark hallway leading to the hidden door.
However, I nothing could've prepared me when I found Arika holding a rod over a dragon's head while she had him pinned underneath her. My eyes widened as I instantly recognised the long, white, grey hair and the hollow pitch black eyes.
"Callath," I growled at the dragon and instantly realised why he was here.
Callath was a white dragon and one of the bonds of the Empress. He was the interloper we'd been searching for all this time. The Empress had sent him here herself, and Arika was about to hit him on the head with a door-locking rod.
Read the next 50+ chapters on Patreon. The link is in my bio.
Thanks for reading <3

A Pet for the Dragons
Romance❝Three dragons and their naughty little pet.❞ There's a rule in piracy - never fuck with the Dragons because they burn you alive. Literally. I'm not a fan of following rules, especially when the Dragons' hoarding obsession makes them the wealthiest...