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I tasted the fish, and surprisingly, it tasted good. After Arika stole one of my herbs and put it on the fish, I expected it to taste terrible, but I was surprised by the pleasant taste.

"It actually tastes good," I told her, swallowing hard and licking my lips to get any remaining bits.

"I bet it does," Arika remarked in a strange, breathy voice while holding up a piece for me. I leaned in to sniff the fish with abroze sprinkled over it. She called it paper. Abroze was usually a herb that I used for making strong healing potions. I could've never guessed that they'd go so well with fish— fish that has been grilled.

However, I was still disturbed by the fact that I got pressured into grilling a damn fish on my enchanted grill. Not only would it be a pain to clean it, but everything I grill next would smell fishy. I tried not to dampen my mood with the realisation. Instead, I focused on the female who intently held another piece for me, waiting.

I closed in to take the piece from her hand, but she moved it away from my mouth. I frowned at her while she smiled at me.

"Take it," She urged with something interesting in her voice. She almost sounded playful. When I closed in again, she held it higher, and I frowned at her again. I didn't get what she was trying to do.

"What happened? Take it?" She urged again.

"Why do you keep moving it?" I asked her. She blinked at me briefly as if she couldn't believe I'd asked her that question and sighed deeply.

"Alright, here you go," she said, holding it before my lips. But this time, she didn't seem enthusiastic about feeding me the fish, which made me frown even more. I didn't want this. I preferred the strange keenness in her voice. Maybe I shouldn't have reacted like that.

I reached for the grilled fish and broke a piece from it. She looked at me with wide-eyed surprise as I held it for her to eat. In the next moment, she gifted me with a wide smile and I couldn't help but notice her features all of a sudden.

She had beautiful dark blue eyes and a small button nose. Even though she lacked the scales and horns, there was something very alluring about her. I couldn't help but trace her warm and generous smile with my eyes and notice how a small dent had formed on her left cheek. I decided that I liked it. I liked it a lot, especially how her eyes lit with the same enthusiasm as she closed in and took the piece from my fingers.

I sucked in a breath as her hot tongue caressed my fingers. Her tongue was smooth, unlike mine, and it incited a different kind of curiosity in me that I'd never felt before. Her mesmerising blue eyes gazed deep into mine as she took the fish from me, but she didn't stop there.

She licked my finger and gently sucked my tongue before offering me an innocent smile. She happily chewed away the fish, feeling content while I watched her with a strange obsession. I didn't know what these feelings were. I'd never felt something like this before, but it was... mesmerising. It aroused something primal inside me. I didn't know what it was, but it had me holding another piece of her to take from me.

This time, as she tried to eat from my hand, I held it away just like she'd done with me. She looked surprised briefly, but she giggled playfully before trying again. I held it away from her again, feeling a strange excitement stir inside me.

Why was I enjoying withholding food from this female? I asked myself but got no logical answer. Yet when she laughed at me and gave me a fervent look, biting her lip. I felt weak.

"You wanna play with me, Ivret?" she asked. Her voice was a caress of wind to the strange sparks in my chest. She stepped closer and ran a finger over my chest. Her eyes were keen and inquisitive as she traced my scales. I didn't know why I liked it, but I didn't want her to stop exploring. I tensed as she ran her finger down my abdomen, tracing my muscles.

Suddenly, I was glad that Zorge wasn't here. He couldn't be here even if he tried. I had this place enchanted to keep him out at all costs, and I was glad that I had the forethought to take such measures.

"Play?" I asked, unsure what she wanted to play, but I was eager nonetheless. I thought of all the games that might interest her. There was Cossar which required wits and strategy. It was my favourite game.

"Yes," She smiled, looking at me in a way that made me feel more drawn to her. "We can play if you want," She offered with a dark undertone that made my heart react in an unfamiliar way. I didn't know what was happening to me. I wondered if it was grilled abronze fish that was making my body react so strangely. Maybe it was her... and the way she was looking at me. I licked my lips, feeling a surge of unfamiliar emotions through me.

"We can play once you've eaten. You were hungry, remember?" I told her. Her face hardened instantly as if I'd splashed her with freezing water. All her eagerness was gone again. She rolled her eyes and took the plate from me. This made me frown instantly, mentally cursing myself. I shouldn't have said that.

"We can play while you eat then," I offered instantly, stepping back to look around my lab and trying to remember where I'd kept my Cossar set. It had been a long time since I'd played Cossar. I wondered if she'd like it.

I'd played it with Zorgar, but he'd always knock everything down the moment he was losing, and Raddrox— well, he'd rather be wrestling with me than using his wits. I was glad that they were not here. I had this female to myself, and I could figure her out bit by bit. The thought filled me with unfamiliar excitement that disrupted my heart's rhythm in a strange manner.

I glanced at her, expecting a response, but she looked more confused.

"Just let it go. I'll just finish this," she said dismissively. The thought of her leaving my tower aggravated me. I didn't want her to leave; I wanted her to stay as long as possible, so I did what I could.

"No, you won't. You'll play with me after you're done eating," I told her adamantly. For a second, she looked vexed, but then something flickered in her eyes as if she had a realization. So many emotions flickered on her face quickly before she offered me a posed smile.

"That sounds good," She replied, using her previous tone. "What are we going to play, Ivret?" she asked, running her finger on the scales over my chest again. I liked this. I needed more of this.

"I'll tell you if you let me feed you," I told her. Something dark flickered in her eyes before she smiled slowly.


What do you think about Ivret? xD He's a funny character to write. I love how clueless he is.

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