I tried to keep a straight face while waiting for the grand doors to open. I was anxious. Why shouldn't I be? Mavie had finally asked me to meet her alone. I knew this would happen but hadn't expected it so soon.
When I woke up this morning, I was caught off guard and found a Cardinal Guard waiting for me outside our wing. This was unsettling, but I pulled myself together and received the Empress's order for a private meeting.
Even though Mavie and I grew up together and were good friends once, I still couldn't help but be anxious and apprehensive about all this. A lot has changed since we last met... or since we were last truly friends. Mavie wasn't the same dragon anymore.
I snapped out of my thoughts when the Cardinal Guard appeared from the grand doors, giving me a sharp look. It meant that Mavie was finally ready to see me. The nervousness clouded all my senses, but I took a moment to clear my thoughts and compose myself more.
I'm just meeting an old friend... I told myself, but it didn't help much. Before I could get more nervous, I walked through the door and decided to face the source of my trouble head-on. This was supposed to happen sooner or later, so be it.
However, as soon as I walked through the doors, I felt weak. I might've forgotten briefly about this room, but as soon as I walked in, I recognised it immediately. I clenched my teeth, feeling like a helpless fly trapped in a spider's wed.
"There you are!" Mavie's voice reached me before I saw her. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before daring to sweep my gaze through the rest of the room.
It used to be Mavie's old playroom. We spent most of our time here as kids, but now she seems to have turned it into a private study. The room had undergone some heavy renovations, but despite that, I could see hints of the past lingering on the walls and the roof.
"Your Majesty," I greeted, turning to face her. She sat peacefully on the grand balcony under the shade of the Hiere flower tree I'd hunted for her and gifted her once. Mavie smiled at my greeting, but it didn't reach her eyes.
"No need to call me that while we are alone," Mavie said, her voice cold, "This is a reunion of old friends, not a diplomatic meeting," She clarified, but I knew that her words couldn't be further from the truth.
She wouldn't have sent her Cardinal Guard with an order to meet her if it weren't a diplomatic meeting. I decided not to point it out to her for now.
"I see," I said, not moving from my place. I decided to follow the Cardinal protocols no matter what she said. Mavie's eyes hardened a bit. I knew she could read me, but she didn't say anything.
"It's been such a long time since we talked, Ivret. Why don't we catch up over some tea and breakfast?" She offered with a diplomatic smile.
"It's my honour," I replied, heading towards the balcony and taking a seat. I tried not to look at the Hiere flowers even though they looked so beautiful. It was time for their blossom. I clenched my jaw again at the realisation. This was nothing but a trap— a glorious one.
I shouldn't have given her the Hiere tree... but I was young and naive then. I didn't think it through then. Only lovers and close friends gifted it to each other. I couldn't help but feel like a fool at the moment.
Mavie gave me another of her diplomatic smiles. She must've found my embarrassment amusing.
"I see you're adamant about following protocols," Mavie noted. "I'm disappointed, but I believe everyone has their reason, Ivret. I know a lot has changed, but that doesn't mean that we cannot be friends again,"
Her words took me back for a moment. I wasn't expecting her to be this upfront, but I shouldn't be surprised. Mavie had her ways.
"I cherish what we had, but you know well that we cannot be friends given our position," I told her upfront.
"Why's that?" She asked. Her voice wavered a bit, and hurt flashed in her eyes. For a moment, it took me off guard. I wasn't expecting this from her, but after learning about the Throne's crises, I could tell she felt burdened. She has a lot to care for and might as well be grappling for whatever support she can get.
Mavie might have been bratty sometimes, but she was also highly responsible since the beginning. She often took too much pressure to perform. I could tell this had started to wear her down after all these years. She might as well be searching for things that brought her relief in the past but, I didn't have anything to offer her anymore.
"We are different now," I replied, "As you said, everything has changed. It has," I replied, and her eyes softened for a bit.
"Is that how you see this?" She asked, picking up a Hiere flower from the table. I hadn't noticed it. "Is it because I'm the Empress now?" She asked, all the emotions draining out of her face.
"Yes," I answered honestly. There was no use beating around the bush. "It's because of that."
"I see," she said coldly. I swallowed.
"Mavie," I spoke, deciding to put my foot down. "You know how I dislike the envy and greed this place breeds. It was one of the reasons why I left this place. We cannot be friends again because I don't want to be subjected to the politics of this place. I'm not meant for this. I know you're looking for more support, but I cannot give it to you without sacrificing my peace. I valued what we had, and I'll try my best to honour it, but we cannot be friends again,"
"I see," Mavie sighed, plucking a petal from the Hiere flower. "I understand your reasoning, Ivret, but I still cherish what we had. It's a shame that we cannot have it again," She sighed deeply.
"I'm sorry, Mavie," I told her coldly, and she nodded, plucking another petal from the flower.
"I was hoping to get a closure from you, and it seems I've got one." She said as she continued plucking the petals with her eyes set on me fiercely. "If we relinquish our friendship, the only relation we are left with is that of a subject and a ruler,"
"Yes, your Majesty," I said, and she smiled. "I'm more honoured to be one of your loyal subjects,"
"If you claim to be so loyal, you must give me a birthday gift," she smiled.
"I'm in no financial position to gift you something that'd match your status, but I will try my best to please you with my humble gift," I told her sincerely, feeling some tension leaving my shoulders. I didn't expect it to go this quickly with Mavie.
"A subject's best gift to its ruler is their service," Mavie said, instantly taking away my relief. All the petals from the flower were gone, leaving only the thorns behind. "As a birthday gift, I shall have you back at my service as the Arch Healer and my advisor, Ivret va'rin Kalaz,"
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A Pet for the Dragons
Romance❝Three dragons and their naughty little pet.❞ There's a rule in piracy - never fuck with the Dragons because they burn you alive. Literally. I'm not a fan of following rules, especially when the Dragons' hoarding obsession makes them the wealthiest...