"What are you doing there?" After recovering from the shock of seeing the Golden Prince outside the Empress' study, I managed to ask. Even though it was not unusual for him to be here because this was his mother's wing, I still couldn't help but feel creeped out.
"I was waiting for you. Now, come with me. I don't like to wait long," He told me before he grabbed my hand and tugged me away. I felt a jolt of energy as soon as he touched me, instantly making my skin crawl.
I didn't know what exactly it was about him that creeped me out so much, but... it made me feel deeply uncomfortable. His hand was cold to the touch. It felt like I had just a block of ice before the unsettling feeling grew. His touch also reminded me of a dead body.
I wondered if the dragon children were always so cold to touch.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked in panic as Yvune continued to lead me down several winding hallways. I was already unsure about the whole place, and now, I feel utterly lost. I wouldn't know where to get out if something happened. To top it off, Yvune was taking me somewhere. For all I knew, he could be taking me somewhere he might murder me.
It was funny to think that a child could murder me, but yeah, I didn't want to be alone with Yvune. Something was terribly wrong with him. This feeling was unmistakable in his presence.
"I need to show you something," he answered before we went down several flights of stairs and entered a dark tunnel that made me want to run for the hills. But Yvune held my hand tightly as if he knew I'd attempt to escape. What surprised me more was the strength in his grip. I couldn't pry my hand off even if I applied all my strength. This made me more uneasy.
Soon, we took a sharp turn before he opened a door that led to more darkness.
"Wait!" I shrieked, but he ignored me entirely and continued to tug me away to wherever he was taking me. We went up a spiral of stairs in what seemed like a dark tower dimly lit with torches. I was completely out of breath when we finally reached what seemed like the top of the tower.
It was when he opened the final door and pulled me inside. I took in my surroundings as I caught my breath. My legs were cramping, and my stomach twisted in my abdomen out of hunger and nervousness.
It was a bug spacious room, lined with tables loaded with strange things. It looked like a lab. There were bookshelves at one end of the room, and at the other end, there was a huge window that showed a starry night. The window reminded me of the ceiling dome of Ivret's lab. I instantly knew that the window was made of those enchanted glasses which allowed you to change the scenery. It was almost like a giant TV screen.
"What is this place?" I asked him. I noticed that Yvune wasn't beside me anymore. Instead, he'd gone to one of the cupboards and seemed to be digging for something in it.
"This is where I live," He said, returning with a strange-looking doll. "Look, I made this for Yko!" He said, showing me the doll. It instantly creeped me out. But nothing could've prepared me when he tugged the doll's hair, and it started speaking in a creepy children's voice.
"Hello, Yko! Yvune made me to keep you company," The doll spoke. I took a step back, feeling more uneasy than ever. However, Yvune looked overly enthusiastic about the doll.
"Oh... that's lovely. What's its name?" I asked.
"I haven't decided yet. Do you have any suggestions?" He asked me.
"What about Annabelle?" I asked, and his eyes lit up.
"That sounds lovely. I know Yko would love it. I have more things for her." He said, tossing the doll away before returning to one of those giant cupboards to look for more creepy stuff. While he was busy looking for more things to creep me out, I contemplated sneaking out. However, the door seemed locked when I tried to open it. I gave up and decided to explore the room instead.
It mostly reminded me of Ivret's laboratory, but it was messier. It looked like a mad person lived her.
"You live here?" I couldn't help but ask because I couldn't believe it.
"Yes, I told you," Yvune answered while still looking through the cupboard, tossing things over his shoulder and cluttering the room even more.
"Do you really? I meant, do you even sleep here?" I asked.
"I don't sleep," He replied casually. "Don't need to. I found it!" He shrieked before appearing with a golden box.
"What's in it?" I asked as he showed it to me. He grinned childishly before opening it. As soon as he opened it, music started playing while a small figurine started dancing. It was less creepier than the doll at first. When I watched the figure more closely, I couldn't help but notice that its limbs looked like they'd be sewn together while the eye sockets were hollow.
I gasped and stepped back.
"What do you think?" Yvune asked. "I hunted some fairies for this piece, but I've yet to find a good pair of eyes for her." His words made me shudder and want to leave quickly, but the door was locked. And I didn't feel like pissing off Yvune now, especially since I was in his room with him, entirely alone.
"I-it's lovely," I managed to answer while I watched the dead fairy twirl lifelessly.
"Do you think Yko will like it?" He asked with so much hope in his eyes. I wanted to tell him I didn't know anyone with that name but decided that might put me in danger. I was already in enough danger.
"Yeah, I think so. Is that all you wanted to show me?" I asked.
"No, there's more. I've made a lot of stuff for her. It's actually what I do all day. That's the reason why the Arch Mage is always angry at me. I'm not paying much attention to his lessons. I find them useless either way,"
"I see," I said while my eyes darted around the room to find an escape.
"Why do you keep making so much stuff for Yko?" I asked to keep him talking. Maybe I could talk my way out of this? This was the only way out I could think of at the moment.
"Because I want her to like me and play with me. I need a playmate," He said.
"Why? Aren't there other kids around? What about your brothers?" I asked, curious this time.
"My brothers don't like to be with me, and neither do other kids," He told me darkly, "You see, I'm... different,"
"You think so?" I asked.
"Yes. Isn't that why you're uneasy in my presence and looking for an escape?" He asked, and I sucked in a breath. He'd been paying more attention to me than I thought.
"No... it's not like that," I told him.
"You don't have to lie," He shook his head. "I know my presence makes everyone uneasy, even my mother. Only the Mage doesn't feel that way because he's the reason I'm this way," He said as a dark look crossed his face. I was baffled to see that he was this self-aware. I wondered if it was normal for dragon children to be this self-aware... but it just might be the case with this one.
"What do you mean?" I decided to probe. It seemed like he was opening up to me for whatever reason. I could turn it into an excellent opportunity to gather valuable information.
"The Arch Mage," Yvune said darkly, "He does... terrible things to me," There was a haunted look on his face. It was as if he was recalling a nightmare. For a moment, it made me feel bad for him.
"What terrible things? You can tell me, Yvune. I wouldn't tell anyone," I pressed, edging closer.
"No!" He hissed, "I cannot tell you anything,"
"But will you tell Yko?" I asked, and his eyes widened.
"I... I'm not sure. I want her to like me... not hate me," He whispered, looking at his hands. My heart pinched. Maybe... he wasn't what I thought. "I want her to play with me,"
"She will—" I was interrupted by a loud bang on the door.
"Arika!" I heard Zorge's muffled voice. "Are you there?"
What do you think of Yvune?
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A Pet for the Dragons
Romance❝Three dragons and their naughty little pet.❞ There's a rule in piracy - never fuck with the Dragons because they burn you alive. Literally. I'm not a fan of following rules, especially when the Dragons' hoarding obsession makes them the wealthiest...