"So, are we okay now?" I asked hopefully. I knew that what I did was absolutely terrible and he didn't owe me his forgiveness, but at that moment, I was willing to do everything to gain his forgiveness and move forward. "I know what I did was awful, and I'm sorry for that, and I mean it. I've never had to apologise to anyone in my life this is the best I can do. Would you forgive me, Radrox?" I asked, being as honest as I could with him.
This is the most honest I've been with anyone before.
I searched Radrox's face for a reaction. I hoped he'd say what I wanted to hear all this time. It was selfish of me to get him to forgive me so quickly, but I couldn't help it. I was selfish to the core. I wanted this red dragon at any cost.
Radrox was silent momentarily as if he was turning my words over his head. I knew he'd be suspicious of me. I'd already broken their trust, and there was no way he'd believe that I was telling the truth.
I saw the discernment in his eyes against me even when our bodies were pressed together and we were hot from the heated kiss. This red dragon could see through anything, and I hoped he could see that I meant what I said this time.
"Not until you accept me as your Master," He said as if to test me. I opened and closed my mouth like a darn fish because his words took me back. Though they shouldn't have. I should've prepared for this.
Radrox was a pretty straightforward dragon. His terms were always clear. I needed to give him something in return if I wanted something from him. He believed in equal give and take— a fair trade.
He was asking for my submission in return for his forgiveness. This was... slightly tricky for me. In any other situation, I'd have considered this more, but I was too horny at the moment, and too much heat pooled between my legs, seeking a release— something he had denied me the last time.
If he could do it once, he could do it again, and this made me think again.
"Would you forgive me if I say that?" I whispered. Our lips were still inches apart, and if I wished, I could've claimed his lips easily and taken what I needed, but I wanted to see how this played out. The actual fun was in there.
"I want you to mean it when you call me Master," He said, tugging at my collar again, speeding up my heart even more. Even though I hated that damn collar around my neck and tried to find a way to get it off me every waking hour, I couldn't help but find it extremely arousing the way he tugged at it.
My head was broken. I was broken to find such things arousing. As he jerked at it again, a strange sensation tingled through my body as if it wanted to already submit to him. Well, the heat pooling between my legs definitely indicated enough of my body's need, but despite this, something made me hesitate.
Not that I was scared of him. No. I had oddly gotten used to seeing the scar on his face and even admired it to a certain degree. I couldn't imagine him without it. It made him who he was, and that's what I liked the most about it.
However, I hesitated because I was still unsure how this would play out. What it really meant to be a dragon's pet, I had no idea of such things. I didn't know what I was signing up for.
I didn't want to trade my freedom away for one-time pleasure.
"Say it," Radrox urged, breaking our tense silence. "Accept me as your master if you really meant your apology," I could tell he was playing with my words— this red dragon! But despite my discernment, I found his words extremely arousing and couldn't help but grind against his bulge.
"You promise you'd forgive me if I call you that?" I tested, pressing my breasts against him to see if it'd have any effect on his. Radrox's eyes were completely gold as he stared at me with a greedy look.
"Yes," His voice was a low rumble that I felt in my belly, making me slightly squirm under him. "You shall have my forgiveness if you be a good pet to me." He said, a dark promise hidden in his voice that made me shiver.
I was so close to calling him Master. I wanted to call him that and see how he'd react, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of this if things went south. I still had no idea what I was signing up for.
"Radrox, I—"
"You never meant it," He said, straightening up and stepping away. I felt empty at the loss of his touch and stepped closer to him, but he didn't seem to want to do anything with me anymore. "I knew it from the beginning. It's another of your games to play with us." He gritted, heading towards the door while he draped his cloak on his body again. He looked so ready to leave, making me panic.
I didn't want him to leave yet. I wasn't done talking to him. I was determined to sort it out with him.
"No. I meant it. I'm sorry for lying—"
"Then say it," He snapped at me. His eyes blazed back to their usual red. He wasn't going to tolerate me anymore.
"Please listen—"
"There's nothing more to listen." He growled, reaching for the door. I followed him, hot on his tail.
"Radrox, you're being—" My words died in my throat when he spun around abruptly, and I almost walked into me.
"You don't deserve any of it." He growled, making me blink tears immediately. "You're still looking for ways to play us and get out of here, but that's never going to happen, Arika. You'll be with us forever, and you better start accepting that truth soon and stop with your games,"
"I wasn't lying this time. I meant it—"
"You don't," He dismissed me so effortlessly.
A tear ran down my cheek before I knew it. For a moment, his face softened, and it looked like he was reconsidering his words, but he hardened up again, staring at me blankly. "That's not going to work on me," He said harshly.
"You—" I was about to curse him out when the door burst open behind Radrox, and Ivret rushed in.
"Callath is escaping, and he got backup!" Ivret roared, and before I knew it, both the dragons disappeared quickly.
Read the next 50+ chapters on Patreon. The link is in my bio.
Thanks for reading <3

A Pet for the Dragons
Romance❝Three dragons and their naughty little pet.❞ There's a rule in piracy - never fuck with the Dragons because they burn you alive. Literally. I'm not a fan of following rules, especially when the Dragons' hoarding obsession makes them the wealthiest...