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"I could've never imagined I'd see you here again," Dredver smirked when he saw me at the Helm's Watch. It was where all the warriors who had fought at Dacva met and drank together. But that wasn't what I was here for.

Judging by the smirk on Dredver's face, he was aware of this fact, too. He'd been awaiting me. It didn't take me long to figure out that he was the head of my commission. I glared at him and tossed my scroll at him.

He caught it and gave me a smug look.

"Where's your brother? He's supposed to be here too." Dredver reminded me.

"He'll come later," I replied curtly. It didn't please him. Well, anything about me hardly ever pleased him. I was sure he would take advantage of this situation since I'd work under him for the commission. But I didn't want to do this. I was here to find a way out of this and ensure I didn't have to go to the frontlines to carry a useless but dangerous campaign.

I'd already done enough of that. I didn't want to be there again, but it seemed like fate had other plans for me. But I wasn't going to let it win this time.

"You've known me for a while, Radrox, to know how much I hate laggers," He said darkly.

"He'll be here," Was all I gave him. It was one of his habits of getting under people's skin and making them fight them. I knew him well.

"I'll hunt him down if he's not here by evening, but that's for later. I have something more interesting for you." Dredver said with a sly smile. I clenched my teeth, preparing for whatever he had in store for me.

"He's waiting for you in one of the back rooms. Deal with him immediately," Dredver ordered before walking away. This puzzled me. Who could be waiting for me? Who did I need to deal with?

Maybe it was a new recruit I needed to train in this commission. I wasn't fond of this. I'd trained recruits before. Overall, it was an annoying experience. I didn't want to do it again, but I didn't have a say in this commission. It was directly ordered from the Empress.

I went to the back rooms of the tavern to look for the youngling I was going to be in charge of. Nothing could've prepared me for who I found waiting for me at the location.

Even though I'd been in the Arctic for so long, I immediately recognised the dragon youngling. There was simply no mistaking him. He was a prince, after all.

Prince Kazzirth, the second born.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, "Your Highness?" I added gruffly. I wasn't prepared to take in a new trainee, especially not when it was none other than one of the princes.

"Are you Radrox va'rin Saski?" The Prince asked, eyeing the scar on my face.

"Yes," I answered, not caring if I sounded rude. I couldn't care less about royal protocols while dealing with a prince who wasn't even of age. Not that he was an absolute youngling. He laid somewhere in the middle but was far too young to be a trainee and be part of a commission as serious as this one.

"Well then, you're my mentor now." He declared, but there were still so many questions in my head that I couldn't decide which to ask him first.

"But why? You're a Prince," I decided to be blunt. That was what I was best at. "Royals don't do commissions like these, especially younglings like you," I told him, and he simply shrugged.

"The Empress approved of this commission," He reminded me. But this confused me more than answering my questions.

"Why would she send one of her sons to the frontline? It's dangerous! Especially for a youngling like you," I told him. A grim look shrouded his face for a moment. I wondered if I crossed the line by talking down to the Prince. But he was a youngling, and he was put under my charge. I could use it against him if he tried to be bratty like one of his brothers.

"You underestimate my abilities," The Prince told me darkly. He might be a youngling, but I decided not to question his abilities anymore. He was a royal, after all. They had extraordinary abilities... but still.

"You shouldn't be here," I told him. "I refuse to believe that the Empress herself set you up for this commission,"

"You're right. She didn't," The Prince admitted, to my surprise. I was speechless for a second, unable to believe my ears. Seeing my speechlessness, Kazzirth added, "I forged documents to be here, and you don't have to worry. Mother wouldn't even notice that I'm gone. In fact, no one at court will notice I'm gone. Hardly anyone pays attention to me,"

That answered a few questions for me, but still.

"Why do you want to do this?" I asked him. "This is dangerous. There might be peace over the frontline, but it's still dangerous." I told him, and he considered my words for a moment.

"I just... want to get away," He told me after a long pause. "I don't like it here that much,"

I crossed my arms on my chest and studied the young Prince. I couldn't imagine someone like him at the frontline. That wasn't a place for someone like him.

"You could've chosen another commission. Why this one in particular?" I couldn't help but ask. He could've chosen a far safer and more exciting commission if he wished to get away.

"It's the best place to test and sharpen my skills. Besides, I know I'll be in charge of the frontlines in the future. I'm preparing for then," He told me. It was clear that I couldn't talk him out of this. He'd chosen this for himself, knowing well what he was going into. I doubted I could do anything to stop him if he'd taken such intense measures.

Suddenly, I got an idea. I was here to find a way out of this commission. This was the perfect opportunity for me.

"I'm reporting you," I told him, and a look of panic flashed on Kazzirth. "You know the consequences of forging documents using the Empress's seal?"

"No! Please! I don't wish to stay here. I don't see what harm it would do to anyone if I go away," The Prince protested.

"I want a favour from you if you wish me to keep my mouth shut," I told him.

"Alright, say it,"

"I want you to forge some documents for me and my brother," I told him. "And I want them to be forged quickly,"


What do you think of the three princes so far? You'll soon meet the 3rd born in the upcoming chapters.

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Thanks for reading <3

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