Just think about it

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"Wow... that girl sounded nice... no! Don't do this Rich! She's about your own kids age, not to mention you just got out of a bombshell relationship with your colleague... who's also a musician! I've got to slow down and stop picking up women the second they say hi to me... stop looking for blonde haired actresses, musicians that only pretend to care about my music and not to mention, stop falling in love after 8 months and marrying them!" Richie sat in silence, he took a sip of coffee at 6 that night, a second later, there was a knock on the door. Richie walked to the door and sighed.

"Hello Richie..." it was her! My ex girlfriend.

"Oh god! It's you, what do you want?" Richie shook his head and she walked right into him and in the house, she made her self right at home, right before she left, what a bitch!

"I want to make us work again." Richie didn't want any part of her and her snobbish attitude.
Richie walked up to the couch and stood by the tv. Richie sighed softly.

"You need to go." She shook her head at Richie.

"Why Richard... do you have a new woman in your life or are you afraid I'll make you feel good?" Richie raised an eyebrow at her.

"What? I told you we need a break." She huffed. Then stood up and walked over to Richie.

"It's been 6 months Richie." She upped and walked out the side door. Bitch!

"Good leave. What an asshole." Richie walked over to the counter and sipped his coffee. "Shit now it's cold." Richie rolled his eyes. An hour goes by and Sara arrives at Richie's house.

"Dad! I'm here." Sara walked up to Richie and they hugged and kissed. They sat down at the kitchen table and caught up.

"So tell me about your nice co worker." Sara blinked her eyes and then laughed out loud. Richie wasn't laughing, he was serious.

"You're kidding me? Dad, she's half your age." Richie looked down for a moment then up at Sara. He moved over to her down the other side of the kitchen table.

"I know honey, I've lost faith in finding someone who won't take advantage of me. I want someone who will love me for me, not for my fame, my talent or looks." Sara smiled.

"Alright... okay dad, I'll give you my friend's number, if you please do promise... to properly get to know her and wait... before anything happens, my god what did I just say." Sara closed her eyes and then Richie chuckled. They hugged each other and then Richie picked up the phone ordered pizza and salad for dinner.

My co-workers dadWhere stories live. Discover now