I Pray

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Denise and Richie got to their hotel room. Richie picked up Denise and opened the door. He bought them to the bed and he laid them down, they started to make out. Richie was licking and biting Denise's neck, she was moaning loud and Richie unbuttoned his shirt.

"You want to?" Richie pulled back and smiled. Denise nodded yes and they went back to making out. Denise ran her hands up his chest and kissed his cheek. All of sudden Richie's phone rang.

"Shit what now?" Richie got off Denise. He sat on the edge of the bed and answered his phone.
It was Jon and he was asking Richie if he was going to join the guys for the bachelor party.

"I guess but for a little bit." Richie hung up his phone and ran a hand through his hair.

"I've got to go to the party for Joey... it will only be for a little bit and then I'll be back." Richie leaned over to kiss Denise on the lips.

"Remember no drinking." Richie nodded yes.

"Yeah... it's no fun stumbling around and acting stupid." Denise smirked and then kissed Richie back. He left to go to Jon's room. When Richie got to Jon's room, Joey opened the door and Richie gave him a hug.

"Congratulations big man." Someone handed Richie a beer and then Richie placed it back in the fridge.

"I promised Denise I wouldn't drink." Jon raised an eyebrow at Richie.

"Good, more for us." Richie rolled his eyes.

"What exactly does that mean?" Jon smirked.

"Never mind." Jon took a swig of beer.

"No tell me. Why did you drag me out here with my girlfriend?" Woah... was Denise my girlfriend? Hold up! Jon smirked at Richie.

"I wanted to drag you out here because well... I miss you and I miss you in the band... I miss what we had as a team... I miss life... but everything has changed now, you've been gone for 11 years, my throat is a mess and this beer is shit." Richie looked around the room, everyone was drinking but him... Richie realized he made a mistake when coming to New Jersey.

"I knew I shouldn't have came, you just wanted a pity party, well I'll tell you one thing... I'm not coming back to the band, I feel like all these years, you took advantage of me... well I'm done. After tomorrow, I'm leaving and I need some time alone. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a while. Night Jon." Richie opened the door and went back to his room he shared with Denise.

Before Richie entered the hotel room, he sighed and hit the door with his hand. Denise opened the door, she scented that Richie was on the other side of the door. Denise saw Richie and he looked tired. Richie walked through the door and Denise sat down next to Richie. He sighed and put his hand on her knee.

"After the wedding, let's go back to my house, Jon hasn't changed... I need to be with you." Richie looked at Denise and kissed her cheek.

"Rich... whatever you want, I'll go with you." Denise smiled at Richie and he smiled back.

"Thank you." Richie and Denise got ready for bed and changed out of their clothes... they fell asleep watching a random tv show. Richie woke up to find the tv still on and he turned the tv off and he watched Denise sleep and kissed her cheek lightly.

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