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"Hey Sambora..." David turned around to see Richie and Denise, then David hugged Richie.

"Looking good." Jon smiled at Denise, the guys took their seats to hang out for a bit.

"Who's going to the bar after this?" Richie looked the other way.

"What bar?" Denise smirked at Richie and took his hand in hers. After sitting around for an hour, the wedding started and it lasted only an hour. Everyone was hungry and annoyed.

"Honey... can you get me some wine?" Richie whispered into Denise's ear and she smirked.

"Not today Richie, we don't need you drunk." Richie laughed for a moment and raised an eyebrow.

"How did you? Never mind." Denise kissed Richie's cheek.

"Yes I know... I've heard it all, but seriously... how about some sparkling apple cider?" Richie nodded yes and kissed Denise back.

"Okay." Denise walked off and got some thing to drink for herself and Richie, Denise bumped into Dorothea, they hugged and smiled. Denise and Dorothea turned to look at Richie for a moment.

"How is he?" Denise blushed and smiled.

"Richie's good." Dorothea smiled back.

"I have to tell you... Richie lucked out, with you and him... meaning he was lonely and missed being with someone, I'm glad he has you." Denise winked at Richie, at the distance.

"Yeah, yeah... I know. Do you think Jon and Richie will ever make music again?" Dorothea sighed and thought for a moment.

"I honestly don't know. But I am glad Richie is here for little Joey's wedding." Denise nodded.

"I'm glad I was able to accept Richie's invitation to come too, this is my first time here in New Jersey." Dorothea patted Denise's shoulder.

"Welcome to the family." Denise raised an eyebrow. Denise caught Richie wink at Dorothea. Denise was like... um okay.
Richie walked over to Denise and Dorothea.

"Hi." Richie grinned at Denise, Dorothea took the cue and walked away from Denise.

"Hi... couldn't wait?" Denise turned around for a second to get some champagne for her and Richie... she turned around and saw Richie on the ground, on his knees.

"Richie?" Denise almost spilled the drinks.

"Marry me?" Everyone around Denise and Richie, stared at them... Jon facepalmed himself, Dorothea hit Jon on the arm. "Ouch."

"What?" Denise looked at Richie and blushed.

"Marry me, please?" Richie got off the ground.
He took the drinks from Denise and put them on the table, Richie put his hands over Denise's and they both kissed for a moment.
Denise hugged Richie and sobbed.

"Is that a yes?" Denise giggled out loud.

"Richie..." Richie caressed Denise's cheek. They ended up kissing again. Denise almost fell to her knees when Richie grabbed her. David and Richie helped Denise get to a chair.

"Are you okay?" David put a lemon up to her nose and Richie swatted his hand away.

"Don't do that." Richie raised an eyebrow at David, Jon and Tico went up to Denise and Richie, looking confused and concerned.

"Everything okay?" Jon sighed.

"Yeah... thank you." Richie caressed Denise's cheek and kissed it.

"What happened?" Denise looked over at Richie.

"You passed out... after..." David winked at Denise.

"After... I asked you to marry me." Richie's eyes turned black, when they widened slightly.

"You asked her to marry you?" David, Tico and Jon all smirked at Richie and Denise.

"Yes I did." Richie looked into Denise's eyes.

"And?..." David beamed with happiness.

"Yes Richie." Denise smiled at Richie and he leaned over to kiss Denise's lips.

"Aw..." all of guests sensed on what was going on. Denise wrapped her arms around Richie.

"Thank you." Richie wiped a tear. Denise and Richie kissed passionately for a moment. All of sudden Richie ran over to the drink area and got a mini bottle of wine and went back to Denise.

"Come on... let's go back to our room, I need you." Denise raised an eyebrow and shook her head, Richie smirked at Denise, she stood up and Richie took her hand. "Bye guys." Richie laughed and smiled at all of the guys. They walked into the foyer and up to their room in the elevator, Richie got his key out and picked up Denise, they both giggled and laughed. When they got in the room, Richie placed a do not disturb sign. Richie placed Denise on the bed and then Richie started to strip off his clothes in front of her. They both were smiling.

"Oh you're so sexy." Denise blurted out.

"You've got no idea baby." Richie got all of his clothes off and Denise blushed and Richie sat on the edge of the bed with Denise.

"Your turn." Denise got off the bed and she began to take off her clothes, as soon as she got everything off... Richie's eyes glowed and he smirked. Denise sat next to Richie and they both smiled.

"I don't know what I was thinking but I just wanted you." Denise looked down at Richie's dick and it was hard.

"I see." Denise touched it for a moment and Richie jumped and then moaned out loud.

"Oh..." Richie closed his eyes for a moment.

"Want me to suck it?" Richie nodded no.

"Not just yet, come here." Richie guided Denise up to the headboard, he laid them both down on the bed and they began to make out. Richie stopped for a moment and let them both up for air.

"Oh baby..." Richie whispered to Denise, they both smirked and then went back to kissing.  Richie rolled on top of Denise and grinned.

"I love your body on mine." Richie kissed and licked Denise's neck. Denise moaned loud.

"Richie..." he giggled and bit Denise's neck.

"I love you." Richie whispered softly.

"I love you too." Denise ran her hand down Richie's back and down to his butt.

"You like my ass." Richie smirked.

"Yes I do. I love your ass." Richie and Denise giggled.

"I love your ass too." Richie rolled Denise on top of him and spanked Denise's ass and then she rolled Richie back on top of her.

"I like you on top of me like this." Richie looked into Denise's eyes and kissed her lips.

"I maybe 64... but I still can fuck." Richie rose off Denise, thought for a moment... was he really ready to deal with crying, the terrible two's, teenage year moodiness and graduations all over again?... Richie placed himself in front of Denise's opening.

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