Warm nights

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The next few days has been a joy... Denise has been in and out of Richie's house for the last few days. It's almost like Denise wasn't in her apartment at all. Friday morning came and Denise took the day off to get ready for small trip with Richie. Sara came over on her break to wish Denise good luck traveling all the way to New Jersey.

"So... I know it hasn't been easy for you... with me being with your dad but I want you to know that, we aren't rushing into anything and every thing is okay." Sara sighed and then gave Denise a hug.

"Thank you, I haven't seen my dad be this happy in a long time, have you given him a lap dance or something?" Denise laughed out loud.

"Sara! God no! This your dad we are talking about and any thing that him and I do, is private... not to mention, I don't want you to get nightmares and be embarrassed every damn time you see your dad." Sara smiled.

"Alright true haha... but be careful on your flight and tell Jon and the family I said hi." Sara and Denise said their good byes, then she left. Denise finished packing her things. A nice summer dress for the wedding, with jeans, two shirts, underwear and socks... her other things she needed and she fit it all in one suitcase. She had her carry on too, with whatever she needed. Denise was going to stay over at Richie's house, so they could leave early.

 Denise was going to stay over at Richie's house, so they could leave early

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Denise drove over to Richie's house, with her luggage next to her. Richie saw Denise's car in the driveway and walked out to see her. He took her luggage in the house and then they sat in front of the tv watching random tv.

"Excited about this weekend?" Denise blushed.

"I am yes but I suppose I'll be meeting the other guys." Richie grinned and giggled.

"Yes you will be, but not to worry, David is the funny one, Jon is serious but funny and Tico likes to settle everyone down, Hugh is funny too. Man, it's been months since last time I saw the guys. I don't really talk with them but I guess they are doing... um okay." Denise put her arm around Richie's waist and sighed.

"I can't wait." Richie kissed Denise's cheek.

"I know... how would you feel if you were to go with the girls to catch the bouquet of flowers?" Denise turned white and chuckled loud.

"What? Why?" Richie chuckled too.

"Don't tell me you've never been to a wedding before." Denise laughed some more.

"No I have... I just never done that before." Richie laughed more as well with Denise.

"But don't you forget the men get the gander." Richie wagged his eyebrows and Denise shook her head and laughed.

"Oh my god... I just don't want to jinx this." Richie leaned forward and rubbed Denise's back.

"Don't worry, every thing will be okay." After relaxing, Richie tidied up the house for the night, so they can leave early in the morning. They fell asleep at 9pm and had to wake up at 2am. Denise left her keys in Richie's office. When they woke up the next morning, Richie and Denise got up right away, Richie got together a quick carry on bag, he already has his suitcase all packed. Richie called to have a limo come and get them and drive them to the airport, of course Richie took his keys with him. Denise and Richie walked out to the limo, Richie put their luggage in the back trunk. Denise got in the limo... fuck this is huge!

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