Nothing but the truth

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"You can tell me anything on your mind, what I don't like is when people hold stuff in." Richie smiled at Denise. He showed his hand to Denise, offered for her to hold his hand. Suddenly Denise for a jolt of energy.

"Oh wow... um... well... to start, I've had a few relationships here and there but I've never really had a real man in my life..." Richie smirked and shook his head, not at what Denise was saying but the thoughts he was having going around his wacky brain.

"You want a real man in your life?" Denise nodded yes and smiled. Richie grinned.

"You've got him." Denise raised an eyebrow.

"Where? I don't see him..." Denise looked around in Richie's office. Richie face palmed himself and giggled, Denise kept talking... "I mean I know I fucked up a few times... but it was manly the men..." Richie looked into Denise's eyes and smirked.

"Me you goof." Denise smirked back at Richie.

"You? But... I barely know you... it would take me up to a year or two years... maybe even three years to get to know you." Richie moved his seat next to Denise and put his arm around her waist and held her close, while she was rambling off and not shutting up.

"Honey... relax, we will take our time." Denise looked at Richie and they both smiled.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Richie raised an eyebrow.

"At what? Talking... I'm used to Jon not shutting the fuck up." Denise leaned her head on his shoulder for a moment and sighed.

"After all these relationships and being married to Heather... I'm assuming you want another try at marriage?" Richie moved his shoulder, so Denise could face him and they both smiled.

"Have a try for another marriage? Honey, when I'm getting to know someone, I really get to know them... this isn't some game here. I have a life too and I'll do whatever it takes, to make you comfortable." Denise's heart soared when she heard that, it's like she was lusting over Richie... he must have felt the same way, because he blushed.

"Are you looking to be married again someday?" Richie squeezed Denise close to him.

"Oh honey... are you asking me to marry you, ha." Denise rolled her eyes and laughed.

"No ha... but I've gotten close to get married a few times but the right man never came around." Richie held Denise's hand again.

"Well stop looking darling. I'll be your King Of Swing." Denise rolled her eyes, when she finally realized what he meant.

"Funny you say that." Richie giggled.

"Why do you say that?" Denise blushed.

"Uh well... I just think you're a wonderful man." Now it was time for Richie to blush.

"Aw thank you." Richie kissed Denise's cheek. Richie got off the chair and took Denise's hand.

"Come on... I think dinners done." Richie and Denise walked into the kitchen, it smelled wonderful. Richie walked over to the oven, opened it up and took out the chicken, he baked... with cheese on top and sauce. Denise's eyes wide with surprise and she raised an eyebrow.

"You made this?" Denise couldn't believe it.
Richie nodded yes and smiled.

"Yes mam...  I did and I made salad too." Denise's eyes widen... jeez this man is like a master chef. Richie took two plates out of the cabinet, along with two wine glasses. A few minutes later, Denise and Richie were eating what he made. I've heard when a man cooks up a meal, he's trying to bed a woman... but Richie... no he wouldn't do that.

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