The BBQ Riot

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"Heather." Joan sighed at Heather looking at Richie. She came up to Richie and pushed Denise out of the way, Joan facepalmed herself. Denise caught herself from falling.

"Hi Richie, how are you?" Heather was about to kiss Richie on the lips but he stopped her.

"What are you doing?!?" Joan and Denise sighed in relief. Heather stood back and cried.

"I miss you and I want you back." Richie shook his head at Heather. Joan smiled at Richie.

"No!" Heather raised an eyebrow at Richie.

"What do you mean no? I gave you a daughter and I love you. I want us back." Heather tried to get close to Richie but he stood by Denise.
Richie got close to Denise and held her close.

"And our daughter is getting married. I did love you but you crushed me... telling people how you want a divorce, then me finding out from a news reporter or something. I gave you stability, when no one would even hire you, I was there for you and Sara, you were my world but now my world is Sara.... And my new wife Denise... Heather this is Denise and Denise this is Heather." Denise extended her hand so Heather can shake it, she gave in and did that.

"Oh yes, Thank you." Denise smiled at Heather. And then Heather huffed.

"Yeah sure thing. So tell me Richie, how is she?, you know. I bet she's great with you." Richie rolled his eyes at Heather.

"I'm not going to even answer that ridiculous question but Denise is mature for her age, she likes my music and she's very into music." Denise held Richie's hand and he kissed Denise's cheek. Heather huffed again.

"Ok fine. But that makes you and I together for life, we have Sara." Richie turned to Denise and smiled.

"You wanna go for a swim?" Richie took Denise's hand and winked. Denise nodded yes.

"Sure." Denise and Richie walked up the stairs to change. Joan looked at Heather and smiled.

"My Richie has been badly hurt by you, I think since the 17 years you broke up his family, Richie has dated women, honey... you broke his heart Heather, I don't think he will ever forgive you breaking up his family but I think by now, he's gotten over it... he's found the one woman that makes him happy, she may be younger than him but she treats him well." Heather closed her eyes and then bowed her head for a moment.

"Yes I know, I messed it up and now I regret doing that, but damn it... I want Richie back." Joan walked up to Heather and gave her a hug.

"You know since you're not married to Richie any more, I'll always care for you but it's not the same. I suggest let's all be there for Sara because that's what family does." Joan and Heather smiled and then Denise and Richie walked down stairs in their bathing suits. Richie wore swimming trunks with a tank top and Denise wore a one piece with a shirt over it. Richie smiled at his mom.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Heather nodded yes.

"Yes, but I'll be leaving." Richie frowned.

"Heather, you don't have to." Denise chimed in.

"Oh but I think I do, you see... you may think you have Richie, but he's in my life for a life time, we've got a child together and I'm not going anywhere." Richie raised an eyebrow.

"Hey you don't talk like that to my wife, she has a say what goes on here, just as the rest of us." Denise put her hand on Richie's shoulder.

"Richie it's fine, hey I might not have been around you all when the 80s and 90s hit but at least I'm a smart person, I mean heck... I wasn't popular in school but I got along with everyone and I got decent grades... I'm not sure what I'm trying to say but all I know is, you treat people like you would want to be treated." Heather rolled her eyes at Denise.

"What are we in 4th grade?" Richie smirked.

"No Heather but you're acting like your own kind." Denise smirked at Richie.

"What's supposed to mean?" Richie looked at Denise.

"I don't have time to explain my reasons, you're smart, you figure it out." Richie took Denise's hand and they walked out through the kitchen and out to the pool. Heather and Joan followed Richie and Denise. Heather and Joan sat down on the chairs. Richie took off his shirt and Denise did as well. Richie took Denise's hand and they both walked in the pool.

"Holy hell it's cold." Denise wined out, Richie walked up to Denise and held her close.

"I'll warm you up." Richie wagged his eyebrows.

"Richie no, not in front of your mom and your ex wife." Richie smirked and kissed Denise.

"Aw baby." Richie pouted and Denise laughed.

"If you want to play, let's do it later." Richie's eyes glowed and Denise kissed him back.
Heather was making all kinds of comments to Joan and she made Heather leave. Richie rolled his eyes. "Thank you mom."

"Anything for my Richie." Denise smiled at Joan and Richie. He looked at Denise and smiled back. Joan saw Denise and Richie smile at each other and got off the chair.

"I think I'll leave you two alone, I'll be inside." Joan winked at Denise, Richie saw that and smiled. Joan walked inside Richie's house.

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