Jokes and making love

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Denise woke up after she felt Richie kiss her cheek. She turned to face Richie and smiled.

"Hi there." Richie kissed Denise again passionately. And Denise caressed his cheek.

"Hi Richie... you want to?" Denise smirked at Richie, he pulled back the sheets, he was naked and so was Denise... Richie smirked at Denise.

"Did you get naked in the middle of the night?" Denise nodded yes and Richie's eyes lit up.

"Yes... I had a thought of waking you up and making love with you but it's okay if you don't want to, since we've got to get up in a few hours." Richie smirked, nodded yes and rolled on top of Denise.

"I would love to make love with you, I'm horny right now... but I don't have any condoms with me right now. otherwise... we'd make this bed shake and make some holes in the wall." Denise smirked.

"How about a blow job?" Richie smirked back.

"Hell I'm clean, sure." Richie rolled off Denise and he laid down on the bed, Denise kissed Richie passionately and went down on him. Denise began to rub his dick slow and started to suck on the tip of his dick. Richie moaned.

"Oh god baby... that's it. I can't wait to be inside of you." Denise looked up at Richie.
He was rubbing her clit slow. Richie leaned over and gave Denise's clit a lick. Denise lifted her head from Richie's dick and moaned.

"Richie..." she stopped and went back to Richie's mouth and started kissing him. They both moaned in this kiss. Denise ran her hands through Richie's hair. They both got up for air and they smiled like idiots. Richie caressed Denise's cheek and kissed her neck.

"Richie? How would you feel about having more children?" Richie stopped kissing Denise's neck and turned on a light.

"I'd love to have more kids, but I think my time has ended... if I met you 10 or 20 years ago, then hell yes, I would fuck you until you got pregnant but I'm sorry." Denise turned her face away from Richie. He put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed it. He kissed Denise's shoulder and licked her neck.

"I know... and I'm sorry I bought it up, I just thought I could have a last try and have a baby, I know I'm not getting any younger too. My grandparents had my father when they were my age." Richie felt bad. Denise sighed and laid down next to Richie.

"I'm sorry you felt that way. Look... maybe in a year or two... we could try." Richie took Denise's hand in his and squeezed it.

"Really?" Denise looked over at Richie.

"Yeah, i mean what do I have to loose? I was having great sex up until a few years ago. With whom doesn't matter but well... I know we haven't been together for a long time but... Denise?" Richie moved on the bed and moved his body, so he was facing towards Denise, he took her hands in his smiled. For the first time in his life, Richie was actually happy.

"What?" Denise smirked and Richie nodded yes.

"Will you marry me?" Denise blushed.

"Marry you? When?" Richie smirked and kissed Denise's hand.

"When we get back, we could do it private and no one needs to know, just you and me, and we wouldn't have to get married legally." Denise frowned and looked into Richie's eyes.

"You mean prenuptial agreements?" Richie nodded his head yes. Denise smiled.

"I don't want to go through that crap again. It was a nightmare. What's your money is your money and what's my money is my money." Denise and Richie kissed.

"True." Richie kissed Denise's neck all over.

"Oh... I love you." Richie whispered softly.

"I love you too." Denise giggled.

"Yeah?" Richie looked into Denise's eyes.

"Yes." Denise winked at Richie. They both fell asleep again, Richie spooned Denise, lying down and sleeping. The next morning... Denise and Richie both woke up the same time. Richie caressed Denise's face and they kissed.

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