Introducing myself

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"I'm telling you D... when my dad was talking about you, he spaced out and I swear his eyes went dark and he blushed... oh my god I must stop talking." Sara ate a bite of her pasta salad.

"Really?" Sara rolled her eyes and Denise laughed, while she took a sip of her coke.
After half an hour talking about random stuff. Sara slipped Denise her dad's number by hand.  At first Denise was thinking... what the hell am I doing? This is Sara's dad... on the other hand, I haven't been happy for the longest time and I'm very lonely and I want someone in my life.

"Thanks." Denise smiled at Sara. After a few minutes after Sara giving Denise her dad's number, she got off her desk chair and walked over to Denise and smiled down at her.

"You're welcome, don't break his heart." Duh... now why would I do such a thing. Denise smiled back and nodded yes.

"Don't worry. I won't." Sara smiled again and went to the bathroom, to do her business. Denise thought for a moment and got her phone out of her pocket and called Richie. It rang for a few moments.

"Hello?" Richie answered with a smile.

"Hi Richie." Denise blushed and she heard a bed squeak for a moment and a groaned.

"Wait... I know that voice." Richie chuckled.

"Yes... I'm Denise nice to know talk with you again, how are you?" No turning back now.

"Good, good... just taking a short nap, I had a late night yesterday, I was working on some new songs." Denise smiled and sighed.

"Sounds good, I wouldn't love to hear your songs." That made Richie sit up in bed.

"Oh really?" Richie's voice was deep and smooth.

"Yes, I like all kinds of rock, country is okay but anything else... well it doesn't sit right with me but I do try keep an open mind." Richie raked his hand over his hair and smirked.

"So uh what are you a head banger?" Denise laughed.

"No no... I mean as a teenager I liked all kinds of heavy metal music and I still do but as I get older I tone it down a bit. I like hard rock, soft rock, alternative, hair metal and blues." Denise was being honest. Richie raised his eyebrows.

"Interesting. Have you heard of a little band called Bon Jovi?" Richie chucked.

"Yes Richie... I've heard of Bon Jovi. I'm not a cavewoman... good songs and good songwriting." Richie smiled and sighed.

"I wrote those songs with Jon the last 40 something years and shit that's like a marriage, being with someone like Jon... wasn't easy, you seem to get to know someone very quick from being on the road with them night after night, for a year or a year and a half... one of our biggest tours was back in the late 80s, now that was crazy." Oh I'm sure it was one hell of a trip.

"Yeah I remember hearing about that tour." Denise took a sip of her Diet Coke.

"Yeah, so what time do you get out of work?" Denise blushed, jeez so quick.

"About 6." Richie signed.

"Would you like to come over? I can make dinner." Say what?! Oh my god... Denise blushed.

"You make dinner?" Richie chuckled.

"Well yeah... I can't live off frozen pizza and fast food. I like making things homemade. Oh my god what did I just say? Ha." Denise laughed as well.

"Well... I have to say that I'm impressed all ready. You see just like regular guy to me." Richie laughed.

"That's what we've been trying to tell people over the years. They just see me as Richie Sambora, the rock god and blues man." Denise smiled when she heard that.

"You're a good guitarist but you're not a god." Richie was thinking what she looked like.

"Funny how people think differently about that." True true.

"Yeah, I've got to get going, I'll see you when I get out. Can you text me your address?" Richie smirked and sighed.

"Sure, see you later Misses D." Denise blushed. And then hung up her phone. She just sat there  in shock for a moment. Sara came back to her desk and saw Denise just sit there.

"Denise? are you okay? What happened?" Denise didn't really want to say.

"Oh um I was looking up a nice recipe I could make for dinner." Sara could tell Denise lied.

"You were talking with my dad weren't you?" Denise blew out a breath and nodded yes.

"You're nervous aren't you?" Denise nodded yes. Sara came up to Denise and gave her a hug. Sara sighed.

"It's fine. I can tell both of you have been looking for a nice person to be with." Denise smiled at the thought of Richie. 6 couldn't come fast enough, Denise smiled as she got her things together to leave. Sara said her goodbyes to Denise, she went him to her family. The drive to Richie's house was only half an hour. She arrived at his house and she put her car in park. Then she sat there.

"D... what are you doing? This man is double your age. He has more experience than you, he's been around the world a million times, seen people and dated them, not to mention slept with a lot of people. Maybe I should leave. No... don't you dare chicken out!" Denise took off her seatbelt, grabbed her keys and bag and walked to his front door. Richie opened the door.

"Well hello." Richie stood there in a black button down shirt, unbuttoned almost completely and blue jeans. He was wearing glasses. Denise looked up and down at Richie, her mouth went dry. My god... take me now.

"Hi." Denise walked into Richie's house. He showed her around the house, the living room, which had photos of his mom, Sara and him... none of his ex wife or ex girlfriends... thank god, who wants reminders of your past. Richie took Denise in his office and showed her his recorded that went gold, platinum and silver... along with his biggest achievement with Bon Jovi's two best albums to the day, Slippery When Wet and New Jersey... Denise looked over the albums placed on the wall and Richie couldn't help but look at Denise in awe.

"50% of those records were written by me. Of course Alec, David and Tico, helped but the main writers were Jon and I." Richie grinned at Denise's blushed face. Oh why am I blushing?

"So... I don't want this to become weird but do you want to see my bedroom?" Denise looked at Richie and then she hesitated and had to think for a moment. She sighed.

"You want the truth?" Denise sat down in his other chair in the room and Richie pulled up another chair and sat next to Denise.

"Tell me what you're thinking." Richie smiled.

"Okay..." Denise sighed and Richie smiled.

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