We rule the night

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Denise and Richie woke up the following morning, they both didn't get up, since they wanted to see each other. Richie woke up first and he saw Denise still sleeping, he carefully caressed her face and kissed Denise's cheek. She slowly turned to face Richie and smiled.

"Hi good morning darling." Richie took Denise's hand and kissed it. They both leaned in and kissed passionately. After a few minutes of kissing and giggling, they rolled on their sides to face each other.

"Good morning Rich." Denise's eyes lit up, when she saw Richie's shirt not on him. Richie smiled at Denise's eyes that lit up at him.

"Like what you see?" Denise nodded yes.
Denise sat up a little bit to kiss Richie's chest.
Richie closed his eyes and giggled out loud.

"So sexy and manly." Denise licked Richie's nipples and he put his hand on Denise's shoulder and rubbed it lightly.

"Baby you have no idea... but you will soon." Richie sat up and then got on top of Denise.
She ran her hands down his back and ran her hands down his chest and up to his shoulders.

"How about now?" Richie raised an eyebrow.

"Not yet... maybe after Jon's son's wedding." Denise raised an eyebrow at Richie and nodded yes.

"Yes." Denise reached up and kissed Richie.

"I can't wait." Richie kissed Denise back. They laid like that for a while, making out. Richie moved his mouth away from Denise and started kissing and nibbling on her neck.

"Oh... Richie... mmm..." he whispered into Denise's ear, "I know we don't know each other but I love you." He moved his head to look into Denise's eyes, Richie nodded yes and then Denise nodded yes too.

"Aw darling." Richie went back to kissing Denise and French kissing. Later on, Denise realized what time it was and she got ready to go back to her apartment.

"I've got to get going, I've got to work." Richie frowned but realized she's got to make money too, so he smiled at Denise's blush.

"Promise me you'll be back." Richie caressed Denise's face and kissed her lips.

"Yes I will be back." Richie and Denise smiled and then Denise left to go back to her apartment, got ready for the day and went to work for 9am. She saw Sara when she walked in the door. Denise blushed and Sara raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on?..." suddenly another co  worker of theirs came back to see Denise and handed Denise a vase with flowers... what the hell... Denise thought to herself... Richie?!

"Oh my god." Denise blushed when she opened the card and read... my darling... can't wait to see you again, I miss you already. Be here at 6... I have a surprise for you... love your Richie. Denise sighed when she smelled the flowers and Sara just sat there in shock.

"Well damn, I guess my dad really likes you." Denise nodded yes and showed Sara the flowers but not the card. Denise stared at the clock on her wall and it was after noon... she kept on working until 5:55 and then Denise started to get her things together. She said good bye to Sara and went right over to Richie's house. Denise pulled into his driveway and got her bag and keys in her hand. She knocked on the door, she pushed it open slowly, well I guess Richie left it open for me, Denise stepped into the living room, she saw candles around the room with some soft blues music... wait a minute, this is one of his own songs, how did he know I loved this song?!...

"Hey darling." Richie took Denise's hand and kissed it, he was wearing black jeans with a black button down shirt with glasses on, he was looking pasta and sausage... good god!

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