Lets make at baby

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"Are you sure?" Denise looked up at Richie, he smirked down at Denise and kissed her lips.

"Yes... I want to make a baby with you." Richie whispered into Denise's ear and kissed her neck. Denise wrapped her arms around Richie's neck and she kissed his lips.

"Richie..." he slowly put his dick up to Denise's opening and placed himself inside of her.

"Is this okay?" Richie smiled down at Denise. She nodded yes and kissed Denise's lips.

"Honey... are you okay?" Denise nodded and smiled, she has sex a dozen times but Richie inside of her, felt good and felt right. Richie started to thrust slowly inside of Denise.

"Yes!... oh Richie!" Denise yelled out Richie's name. He grunted and moaned. He thrusted slowly again.

"I know it must have been a while since you've last had sex..." Richie bent down to kiss Denise.

"7 years actually." Richie smirked and thrusted more... Richie sucked in his breath. Then moaned out and Denise smirked.

"Oh god..." Richie moaned out to Denise. She kissed his shoulder and Richie looked into Denise's eyes. She squeezed his ass hard.

"I want you hard! Harder Richie." Denise moaned out to Richie and he winked, he propped up Denise's legs up to his arms. Then Richie started to thrust hard but slow in Denise.

"Like this?" Richie kissed Denise's legs. Denise arched her back and Richie groaned.

"Yes!" Richie bent down and kissed Denise.

"Oh honey..." Richie closed his eyes.

"Richie... oh my god! Come baby... Richie!!" Denise moaned loud in his ear.

"I'm here..." he wrapped his arms around Denise and held her close, skin to skin.

"Oh my god... yes!" Denise moaned out more.
Richie kissed Denise and thrusted more and hard, his body was touching Denise's more.

"Baby... yes." Richie lifted up for air and panted out, Denise kissed Richie's cheek and smiled.

"I want you forever." Richie giggled. He caressed Denise's cheek and kissed it. Richie huffed and fucked Denise more... slow and hard.

"Oh baby!" Richie wined out, Denise caressed Richie's cheek and kissed him. He held still to catch his breath. Richie started to trust hard.

"Richie... yes!" He started to thrust faster.
Richie moaned and put his tongue in Denise's mouth, they both moaned with Richie's trusts.
Each time Richie moaned, Denise ran her hand down his ass and squeezed it hard, Denise broke away from Richie's mouth and moaned.

"Richie! Hard... oh Richie! Yes!" Richie slammed into Denise harder and faster.

"Oh yeah..." Richie grinned and closed his eyes... they kept on making love slowly, it was well into the night, finally at midnight, Richie came inside of Denise.

"Yes!!" Richie screamed out loud. He collapsed on Denise and then after he came back down from his high, Richie kissed her.

"Oh wow." Denise panted, she came down from her high too.

"Yeah wow." Richie held Denise against him. They kissed passionately for a few moments. Then Richie rolled off Denise and sighed.

"I want to feel this again." Richie laughed.

"Um.. not right now, let me recuperate... I'm an old man." Denise patted Richie's balls and kissed him.

"I know and I'm sorry." Richie sat up for a moment and looked into Denise's eyes.

"For what? I'm glad I make you hot." Denise blushed at Richie's smirked face.

"Come here." Denise held Richie against her body, Richie sighed and kissed her cheek.

"My baby..." Richie whispered softly and Denise chuckled softly.

"I hope he or she will be happy... knowing daddy makes great music." Richie laughed.

"Daddy's music is awesome." Denise smirked.
Richie and Denise sat up and kissed.

"I hope to be a great mom." Richie caressed Denise's cheeks and kissed her neck all over.

"You will be." Richie put the tv on and a random tv show came on.

"What was it like raising Sara with Heather?" Richie took Denise's hand in his and sneezed it.

"Uh well... it wasn't easy, her first 2 years was rough, but when Sara got to be 8... that's when things started to go sour, I tried to make it work with Heather, she had issues with work, my band was doing pretty okay but Bon Jovi was never prefect. Look... Heather will always be Sara's mom and I'll always care about her but you have nothing to worry about, I love you Denise." Richie looked into Denise's eyes. Denise started to tear up and Richie hugged her and held Denise close to his warm body.

"I love you too Richie. How do you think Sara will react... eventually when we get pregnant?" Richie raised an eye brow and smirked.

"I don't know but we are adults baby." Richie leaned over and kissed Denise's neck.

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