Foreword<3 [Eng. translation]

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Hey :)

I'll use this opportunity to introduce you to this "series" that I've recently started.

As you already know, it's a compilation of poems written entirely in Greek.

This is actually my first time sharing my work written in Greek despite it being my first language and me living in Cyprus, a Greek-speaking country. So far, I've never really been encouraged to write in Greek, and there haven't been many opportunities for me to do so. Hence, I'd always write in English and share my work on platforms such as Wattpad or

However, this year I ended up joining my school's library committee, which would often organize in-school poetry contests that I'd always participate in. This was actually the first time I've ever attempted writing in Greek and even shared any of my work with anyone *in person*! I did not expect my poems to be received that well and was taken aback by all the support, which truly encouraged me! And here I am now, sharing my work on Wattpad!

The free verse poems included here were all written either for contests or for my school's magazine. I've only recently attempted writing Haiku poems in Greek, despite having written loads in English.

Hope you enjoy my work!
I'd really appreciate any feedback or advice :)

-A <3

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