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CHAPTER 1 – A Slave's Silence

In the bustling slave market of the grand imperial city, the air was thick with tension as merchants and traders showcased their human wares.

The scent of exotic spices mixed with the sweat of the unfortunate souls whose destinies were being determined by the highest bidder. 

Among the captives was a young woman named Adelaide, her eyes downcast and spirit broken by the cruel hands of fate.

The auctioneer's booming voice echoed through the square as Adelaide stood on a raised platform, her delicate frame exposed to the scrutinizing gazes of the potential buyers.

The Emperor's trusted Eunuch, a man known as Jia Li, stood at the forefront, his eyes sharp and calculating. Dressed in fine silks and surrounded by an entourage of guards, he exuded an air of authority that silenced the restless crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a rare gem from the western isles, a beauty with unmatched grace and obedience," the auctioneer declared, gesturing towards Adelaide. "This young maiden, barely out of her adolescence, possesses qualities that will surely captivate the heart of any discerning master."

Jia Li's eyes narrowed as he assessed the young woman. Adelaide's emerald green eyes flickered with a mixture of fear and resignation as she awaited her fate.

The bidding began, and the air filled with the excited chatter of potential buyers. Jia Li, however, remained composed, his interest in Adelaide evident but his intentions unclear.

A wealthy merchant, adorned in opulent robes, initiated the bidding.

"Five hundred gold coins!" he declared, his voice resonating through the market.

The auctioneer raised an approving eyebrow and scanned the crowd, waiting for a higher bid.

Jia Li, after a deliberate pause, spoke with a calm yet authoritative tone, "Eight hundred gold coins."

A hush fell over the market as the other buyers exchanged uneasy glances. The Emperor's Eunuch rarely participated in public auctions, and his interest in Adelaide piqued the curiosity of those present.

The bidding continued, escalating with each offer.

Jia Li maintained his composure, displaying no emotion as he engaged in silent competition for the young slave.

Finally, as the bid reached a staggering one thousand gold coins, the auctioneer slammed his gavel, declaring Jia Li the victor.

Adelaide was led down from the platform, her eyes never leaving the ground. Jia Li approached her with an air of detachment, his guards forming a protective barrier around them. He handed the auctioneer a pouch of gold coins and gestured for Adelaide to follow him.

As they left the market, the bustling sounds of commerce faded, leaving behind a somber silence. Adelaide walked beside Jia Li, her fate now intertwined with the mysterious and powerful Eunuch.

"What is your name child?" asked the stranger.

It took a few seconds for Adelaide to muster up her courage before she finally replied.

"Adelaide, sir" she softly stated.

The Eunuch did not speak again and only just replied with a soft nod before leaving her outside of a carriage embellished with the golden symbol of a Dragon.

Adelaide's situation weighed heavily on her fragile shoulders, and the uncertainty of what awaited her in the Emperor's court loomed like an ominous shadow.

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