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Chapter 4 – Comfort and Sickness

The grand corridors of the Sixth Prince's residence, once bustling with life and laughter, were now cloaked in an oppressive silence.

The plague had ravaged the southern provinces, and now it had breached the palace walls, striking down the sixth prince upon his return from a diplomatic trip.

The Emperor's decree was absolute: no one was to approach the afflicted. 

However, with the Empress Dowager's order, she was secretly allowed to enter the Sixth Prince's Palace and nurse him back to health.

Her heart pounded as she approached the guarded chamber.

The sentries, knowing her determination, stepped aside without protest.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the heavy door and slipped inside, closing it quietly behind her.

The room was dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of medicinal herbs and despair.

On the grand bed, the Sixth Prince lay restless, his once vibrant features now pale and etched with pain. He stirred as she approached, his eyes opening to narrow slits.

"Who enters?," he rasped, his voice a mere whisper. "You shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous."

"Your Royal Highness, I've been sent by Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress Dowager," she replied firmly, moving to his side. "She won't let you face this alone, Nubi is here to aid you."

He turned his head away, his pride evident even in his weakened state. "I don't need anyone's pity."

"It's not pity," she said softly, dipping a cloth into a basin of cool water. "It is your Royal Grandmother's care and love for you. Let me help you, Your Royal Highness."

He flinched as she placed the cool cloth on his forehead but did not push her away, maybe he was too weak to do so.

The minutes stretched into hours as she tended to him, offering sips of water and whispered reassurances.

"What is your name? I have never seen you at my Royal Grandmother's Palace before," asked the Sixth Prince.

At first, he remained distant, his pride a barrier between them. But as the fever raged on, his defenses began to crumble.

"I am Adelaide, Your Royal Highness." she replied.

"Why do you do this, Adelaide? Why risk yourself for me?" said the Prince.

She looked into his eyes, her own filled with unwavering resolve. "Because you mean something to Her Imperial Majesty. And because no one should suffer alone."

┌── •✧• ──┐

The night was heavy with silence, the only sound the occasional rustle of fabric as Adelaide adjusted the blankets around the feverish Sixth Prince.

The room was dim, lit by the flickering light of a single lantern, casting long shadows that danced across the walls. 

Sixth Prince lay in a restless slumber, his face flushed and damp with sweat.

Adelaide watched over him, her eyes filled with concern.

As the fever gripped him tightly, Sixth Prince tossed and turn, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. His brow furrowed deeply, and his lips moved, forming words that were barely audible.

"Mother... Mother..." Sixth Prince called out, his voice thick with desperation and longing. He reached out into the empty air, his hand trembling.

Adelaide's heart ached at the sight, her memories of loss and longing surfacing.

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