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Chapter 5 – New Name, New Beginnings

The palace buzzed with activity as the news spread like wildfire: The Sixth Prince had recovered from his illness, and the young maidservant Adelaide had played a pivotal role in his healing.

Her dedication and compassion had not gone unnoticed by the highest echelons of power.

Whispers and curious glances followed her everywhere she went, and the atmosphere in the women's quarters was thick with intrigue and speculation.

Adelaide walked through the grand corridors of the palace, her heart pounding with a mixture of pride and apprehension.

She had been summoned by both the Emperor and the Empress Dowager, an honor that few ever received.

As she approached the ornate doors of the Emperor's audience chamber, she took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

The doors swung open, and Adelaide entered, bowing deeply to the Emperor, who sat upon his throne, and the Empress Dowager, who stood regally by his side. The Emperor, a man of imposing presence, regarded her with a keen eye.

"Adelaide," the Emperor began, his voice resonant and authoritative. "We have heard of your exceptional care for our son, Prince Jian. Your dedication and compassion have saved his life."

Adelaide remained bowed, her voice steady but humble. "It was my duty and my honor, Your Majesty."

The Empress Dowager stepped forward, her eyes soft with gratitude. "You have done more than your duty, child. You have shown great courage and kindness. For this, we wish to express our deepest thanks."

The Emperor nodded in agreement. "We grant you our favor, Adelaide. From this day forth, you will be known not just as a maidservant, but as a trusted attendant to the imperial family. Your loyalty and service will be rewarded."

Adelaide's heart swelled with a mix of relief and pride. "Thank you, Your Majesties. I am deeply honored."

The Empress Dowager smiled warmly. "You have earned it, Adelaide. Now go, and continue to serve with the same dedication and heart."

As Adelaide left the audience chamber, her mind whirled with the enormity of what had just happened.

The favor of both the Emperor and the Empress Dowager was a rare and precious gift, and it would change her life forever.

Back in the imperial harem, the atmosphere was electric with excitement and envy.

The other women, clad in their resplendent silks and jewels, watched Adelaide with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

"Did you hear?" whispered Noble Lady Li, one of the Emperor's concubines. "Adelaide has received the Emperor's favor!"

"It's unheard of!" exclaimed Concubine Zhang, her eyes wide. "A maidservant, favored by the Emperor and the Empress Dowager. She must be very special."

Concubine Han, another concubine, smirked. "Special indeed. We should keep an eye on her. Favor can be a dangerous thing in this palace."

As Adelaide walked through the gardens, she felt the weight of the women's eyes on her.

Some smiled warmly, others looked at her with thinly veiled jealousy.

She knew that her newfound status would bring both opportunities and challenges.

In the weeks that followed, Adelaide's life transformed.

She was given finer clothes and better quarters, and her duties became more significant.

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