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Chapter 9 – Fate written in stone

Hui Yan's discovery of the true nature of the ointment had already brought her deep into the dangerous politics of the harem. 

But the more she unraveled, the more perilous it became. 

She needed to share her new insights with Concubine Gao, no matter the risk.

In the quiet of Concubine Gao's chambers, Hui Yan approached the delicate matter with the utmost care.

"Your Grace, there is something important I must tell you," Hui Yan began, her voice steady but soft. Concubine Gao looked up, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern.

"What is it, Hui Yan?" Concubine Gao asked, sensing the gravity in Hui Yan's tone.

Hui Yan took a deep breath. "The person who gave you the ointment knew about your pregnancy and intended to harm you. I have reason to believe that Noble Consort Yi was behind this."

Concubine Gao's eyes widened in shock. "Noble Consort Yi? But why? She... she is my elder sister."

Hui Yan nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, Your Grace. And that is precisely why this is so troubling. It appears that she does not want you to give birth to an imperial heir. Her motives may be driven by fear of losing her own influence and power within the harem."

Tears welled up in Concubine Gao's eyes as she absorbed the betrayal. "My own sister... How could she do this to me?"

Hui Yan reached out, taking Concubine Gao's hand gently. "I understand this is difficult to accept, Your Grace. But we must be cautious and protect you and your unborn child. The Empress Dowager must be informed, but we need to gather concrete evidence to support our claims."

Concubine Gao nodded, wiping away her tears. "You are right, Hui Yan. We must proceed carefully. But how can we gather the evidence we need?"

Hui Yan thought for a moment, then spoke. "We need to find someone within the palace who can confirm our suspicions. Perhaps one of the physicians or a trusted servant who has observed Noble Consort Yi's actions closely."

As they discussed their plan, Hui Yan remained vigilant, knowing that their every move would be watched. They had to be discreet and strategic to avoid arousing suspicion.

Over the next few days, Hui Yan discreetly approached several palace servants and physicians, subtly inquiring about Noble Consort Yi's activities. 

She found a few who had noticed unusual behavior but were afraid to speak out. With careful persuasion, Hui Yan convinced them to share what they knew.

┌── •✧• ──┐

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the imperial palace.

The air was thick with tension as Concubine Gao, shrouded in a dark cloak, made her way to the Empress Dowager's private chambers.

She moved quietly, her footsteps barely audible on the stone pathways, her heart pounding with each step.

Upon reaching the Empress Dowager's chambers, she was greeted by Hui Yan, who had been awaiting her arrival.

With a nod, Hui Yan led her through the dimly lit corridors to the Empress Dowager's inner sanctum. The Empress Dowager sat serenely, her posture regal and her expression calm but attentive.

"Your Majesty," Concubine Gao whispered, bowing deeply. "Thank you for seeing me at this hour."

The Empress Dowager gestured for her to rise. "Speak freely, Concubine Gao. What troubles you so deeply that you must come in secret?"

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