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Chapter 11 – Jealousy Runs in the Family

The flickering candlelight cast long shadows across the room as the Imperial Physician worked tirelessly to treat Hui Yan's wound.

The Sixth Prince never left her side, his worry etched deeply into his handsome features.

The arrow that had struck Hui Yan was found to be infused with poison, complicating her recovery and making each passing moment a painful eternity for those who cared about her.

Despite her advanced age and the emotional toll of the night's events, the Empress Dowager insisted on staying by Hui Yan's side.

Visible signs of exhaustion and concern marred her usual regal poise, yet her resolve remained unyielding.

Hours passed, marked only by the whispers of the physician and the soft sounds of Hui Yan's labored breathing.

Finally, as the first light of dawn filtered through the windows, Hui Yan stirred and slowly opened her eyes.

The room was silent, save for the Sixth Prince's gasp of relief.

He immediately moved closer, his voice gentle but urgent. "Hui Yan, can you hear me?"

Hui Yan's eyes fluttered as she took in her surroundings.

Her gaze landed on the Sixth Prince, his face a mixture of relief and worry.

"Your Highness," she murmured weakly, her voice barely a whisper.

Before she could say more, she felt a warm, comforting embrace envelop her.

The Empress Dowager, her regal composure softened by the tenderness in her eyes, held Hui Yan close.

"Oh, my dear child, you have returned to us," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I was so afraid we might lose you."

Hui Yan felt tears prick her eyes as she leaned into the Empress Dowager's embrace.

"Your Majesty," she whispered, her gratitude evident despite her weakness. "Thank you... for being here."

The Empress Dowager pulled back slightly, eyes scanning Hui Yan's face with concern. "You have been so brave, Hui Yan. Rest now, and focus on getting better. The poison has made your recovery slow, but we will ensure you receive the best care."

Hui Yan nodded, her strength ebbing away as the exhaustion of her ordeal took over.

She turned her gaze to the Sixth Prince, who looked at her with a mixture of relief and an intensity of emotion that took her breath away.

"Your Highness, you should rest too," she managed to say, her voice weak but sincere.

The Sixth Prince shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers. "I will rest when you are fully recovered, Hui Yan. Until then, I will not leave your side."

The Empress Dowager gently brushed a strand of hair from Hui Yan's face, her touch maternal and soothing. "We are all here for you, Hui Yan. You are part of this family now, and we will do everything in our power to help you heal."

As the Imperial Physician finished his examination and adjusted the herbal poultices on Hui Yan's wound, he nodded reassuringly to the Empress Dowager and the Sixth Prince. "She is strong and has the will to recover. With time and care, she will heal."

Hui Yan closed her eyes, comforted by the presence of those who cared for her so deeply.

Despite the pain and the poison coursing through her veins, she felt a profound sense of peace and security.

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