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short chapter:))


Chapter 19 – Falsely Accused

Chu Bei Ya's disgrace reverberated throughout the empire.

Her ambitious scheme had backfired spectacularly, leaving her reputation in tatters.

She returned to the palace under a cloud of humiliation, avoiding the eyes of those who once whispered in awe of her potential.

Meanwhile, Noble Consort Liu, desperate to salvage what remained of her niece's future, petitioned the Emperor relentlessly.

She pleaded for Chu Bei Ya to be bestowed in marriage to the Fourth Prince, citing the unfortunate incident as a reason for urgency.

However, the Emperor, known for his measured decisions and strategic alliances, had other plans for the Fourth Prince.

He had already chosen a primary wife for him, a match carefully orchestrated to strengthen alliances and secure political support.

The Emperor was unmoved by Noble Consort Liu's pleas, unwilling to disrupt his carefully laid plans for the sake of a failed scheme.

Despite Noble Consort Liu's efforts, Chu Bei Ya's fate was sealed.

The Emperor decreed that she would become a concubine of the Fourth Prince—a position of lesser status and influence compared to what she had once aspired to.

Chu Bei Ya accepted the Emperor's decision with a heavy heart, her dreams of power and prestige dashed.

She was forced to reconcile with the consequences of her actions, humbled by the realization that ambition without wisdom often led to ruin.

Despite her diminished status, Chu Bei Ya remained resilient, seeking to carve out a niche for herself amidst the complexities of palace life.

As for Lixin and Hui Yan, they emerged from the ordeal strengthened in their bond.

The challenges they had faced together had only deepened their love and trust.

They continued to navigate the intricate web of court politics with grace and wisdom, their unity a beacon of stability in the ever-shifting currents of imperial intrigue.

And so, life in the palace continued, marked by the ebb and flow of power, ambition, and the enduring resilience of those who dared to love amidst the tumultuous currents of royal life.

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As the final day of the hunt dawned, the atmosphere in the wild grasslands was charged with anticipation.

The Emperor's grand competition among the princes to capture the best beasts unleashed from the forest was a spectacle that drew the attention of the entire court.

Prince Lixin, prepared himself for the challenge ahead. His skill and determination were on full display as he readied his bow and mounted his steed.

Alongside him, the other princes, including the Fourth Prince, vied for the honor of presenting the most impressive quarry to the Emperor.

Unbeknownst to Lixin and Hui Yan, sinister plans were unfolding in the shadows of the palace.

Concubine Yi, formerly known as Noble Consort Yi, had long harbored ambitions for her brother, Minister Xian.

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