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Chapter 12 – Blessing and Bestowments

The quiet of the night settled heavily over the Palace of Eternal Longevity.

Hui Yan lay in her bed, still weak but grateful for the care she had received.

The Imperial Physician had just left, assuring her that with rest, she would recover.

The door creaked open softly, and the Sixth Prince entered, his expression a mix of remorse and determination. He approached her bedside cautiously, his eyes filled with regret.

"Hui Yan," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I am so sorry. I let my emotions get the best of me, and I hurt you. I promise, I will never let that happen again."

Hui Yan looked at him, her eyes tired but understanding.

"Your Highness, I know you didn't mean to," she replied gently. "But you must learn to control your feelings. The palace is full of dangers, and we cannot afford to make mistakes."

The Sixth Prince nodded, taking her hand in his. "I love you, Hui Yan. Only you. I'm willing to disobey the Dragon himself just to be with you. I will do whatever it takes to spend my life with you."

Before Hui Yan could respond, the door burst open, and the Empress Dowager rushed in, her face pale with fear.

"What is this? Is Hui Yan dying?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with alarm as she took in the scene.

Hearing the Empress Dowager's voice, Hui Yan instinctively pushed the Sixth Prince away, causing him to fall off the bed.

The Empress Dowager hurried to Hui Yan's side, her eyes wide with concern.

"What happened?" she demanded, looking between Hui Yan and the Sixth Prince.

Hui Yan shook her head, trying to calm her. "Your Majesty, it's not as it seems. The Sixth Prince was apologizing for his earlier actions. I am fine, just tired."

The Empress Dowager's eyes softened, but she turned a stern gaze on the Sixth Prince. "Lin Zixin, how could you be so reckless? Hui Yan is still recovering, and you should know better than to disturb her like this."

The Sixth Prince bowed his head, shame flooding his features. "I know, Grandmother. I let my jealousy cloud my judgment, and I am deeply sorry."

The Empress Dowager's stern expression did not waver. "You must learn to control your emotions, Zixin. This palace is no place for recklessness."

The Sixth Prince nodded, his voice filled with resolve.

"I understand, Grandmother. But I need you to know something." He took a deep breath, his eyes meeting the Empress Dowager's. "I intend to make Hui Yan my Princess Consort. I love her, and I cannot imagine my life without her."

The Empress Dowager's reaction shocked them both.

She took a step back, her eyes wide with surprise.

Then, suddenly she squealed as if some young unmarried maiden had possessed her.

Hui Yan and the Sixth Prince shared a look.

For a moment, the room was silent, the weight of his proclamation hanging in the air.

Then, the Empress Dowager's expression softened, a mixture of sorrow and understanding in her eyes. "Lin Zixin, do you understand what you are asking? To make a former slave your Princess Consort? It will cause an uproar in the court, and the Emperor may not approve."

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