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Chapter 6 – Affection and Secret Confessions

Months had passed since Hui Yan, formerly known as Adelaide, had nursed Prince Lin Zixin back to health.

Her life had transformed significantly; she was now Hui Yan Xianjun, Lady of the Second Rank, enjoying the favor of both the Emperor and the Empress Dowager.

Yet, amidst her new responsibilities and the intrigue of the court, it was the Sixth Prince who remained a constant in her life.

Sixth Prince Lin Zixin had always been kind and grateful, but recently, his behavior had taken on a more affectionate tone.

Hui Yan had noticed the change, subtle at first but growing more pronounced with each passing day.

The gifts had begun innocuously enough—a rare book, a beautifully crafted hairpin, a silk scarf—but they soon became more frequent and more personal.

One afternoon, as Hui Yan sat in her quarters embroidering a delicate pattern of peonies on a piece of fine silk, a knock at the door interrupted her.

She looked up to see one of the palace servants, bowing deeply as he entered.

"Lady Hui Yan," the servant said respectfully, "another gift from His Highness, the Sixth Prince."

Hui Yan set aside her embroidery and accepted the package, her curiosity piqued. As she unwrapped it, she found an exquisite jade bracelet, its green hues shimmering in the light. Along with the bracelet was a note in Prince Jian's elegant handwriting.

"To Hui Yan Xianjun, whose kindness and grace bring light to the darkest of days. With deepest affection, Lin Zixin."

Hui Yan's heart skipped a beat.

The bracelet was beautiful, but it was the note that truly caught her attention.

The words were carefully chosen, their meaning unmistakable.

She gently placed the bracelet on her wrist and set the note aside, her thoughts swirling.

Later that evening, as the palace was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, the Sixth Prince sought her out.

He found her in the gardens inside the Yongshou Palace, the place where they had often walked and talked during his recovery.

Hui Yan looked up as he approached, her expression a mixture of warmth and uncertainty.

"Your Highness," she greeted, bowing slightly. "Thank you for the gift. It is beautiful."

The Sixth Prince smiled, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that had not been there before. "I'm glad you like it, Hui Yan. It is a small token of my appreciation and... affection."

Hui Yan's breath caught. "Affection, Your Highness?"

The Sixth Prince took a step closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "Yes, affection. Hui Yan, during my illness, you were more than a caretaker. You were my confidante, my friend. You brought me comfort and hope when I needed it most. And in these past months, my feelings for you have grown deeper."

Hui Yan felt a rush of emotions—surprise, joy, and a touch of fear. "Your Highness, I... I am honored by your words, but I am also aware of my place within the palace."

The Sixth Prince reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "You are Hui Yan Xianjun, a lady of the Second Rank, and you have earned that title through your own merits. But to me, you are more than your title. You are someone I care for deeply."

Hui Yan looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and vulnerability there. "Your Highness, I have always respected and admired you. Your kindness and strength have been an inspiration to me."

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