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Chapter 10 – Love and Sacrifices

The days following their midnight picnic were filled with an unusual tension for Hui Yan.

Whenever she crossed paths with the Sixth Prince, she found herself more shy and reserved, her heart fluttering with a mix of emotions.

The memory of his heartfelt confession echoed in her mind, his words lingering like a sweet yet daunting melody.

One evening, while attending to her duties in the Palace of Eternal Longevity, Hui Yan was summoned to the prince's quarters.

Her steps were hesitant as she approached, her mind racing with thoughts of their last intimate conversation.

When she entered, the Sixth Prince was seated by a low table, a gentle smile lighting up his face as he saw her. "Hui Yan, please sit with me."

She obeyed, lowering herself onto the cushion opposite him.

The room was softly lit, the flickering candles casting a warm glow on their faces.

"Your Highness," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "you wished to see me?"

The prince nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "Hui Yan, there's something I need to say—something I've wanted to express since that night."

Her heart raced as she waited, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

He leaned forward slightly, his expression earnest. "Hui Yan, ever since you risked your life to cure me of the plague, I have felt a profound anxiety whenever you're not near. Your bravery, your kindness, and your intelligence—they've all captured my heart."

She looked down, feeling a warmth spread through her cheeks. "Your Highness, I—"

"Please, let me finish," he gently interrupted. "You've become my love, my moonlight, my springtime, and my rose. I can't imagine my life without you."

Hui Yan's heart started to beat faster, as shivers ran across her spine.

"I intend to make you my Princess Consort, not only because I am learning to love you deeply but also because I value your cleverness and your ability to navigate the palace." added the Princce,

Hui Yan's breath caught in her throat.

The idea of becoming his Princess Consort was both thrilling and terrifying.

"Your Highness, such an honor... I don't know what to say." said Hui Yan.

He reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "Hui Yan, I know it may sound unusual and perhaps even scary, but from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend my life with. I offer you my protection against any harm that might befall you. Together, we can face whatever challenges the palace throws our way."

Tears welled up in Hui Yan's eyes. "Your Highness, your words touch me deeply. But the path you propose is fraught with danger. The other consorts, the intrigues of the court..."

The prince squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We will face it all together. I will not let anyone harm you. With you by my side, I believe we can bring about a better future for the palace."

Hui Yan sat in stunned silence, the prince's words echoing in her mind.

Her heart was heavy with conflicting emotions.

She admired and respected the Sixth Prince deeply, but the reality of their situation was undeniable.

"Your Highness," she began softly, her voice trembling, "I am deeply honored by your feelings and your intentions. But it is not proper for a qinwang to have someone like me as a Princess Consort. I hold no high-ranking title, no noble lineage. The court would never accept it. Even the Empress Dowager, with all her favor, could not intervene."

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